Saturday Star

Quick-fix New Year’s resolution­s that health experts hate to hear

You have a fat chance of shedding the pounds permanentl­y with any of the ‘in’ crash diets


NEW Year’s resolution­s: They can be motivating and inspiring (“I want to feel healthy and strong in 2016”). Or they can be completely out of reach, demoralisi­ng and even dangerous (“I am going to run a marathon in a month, and I’m starting my training now!”).

We asked some fitness and nutrition experts to identify some common risky resolution­s and offer healthy alternativ­es for the coming year.

Lose 5kg in 10 days

“The jump-start or quick-fix approach is not sustainabl­e,” says Rebecca Scritchfie­ld, a registered dietitian and American College of Sports Medicine-certified health fitness specialist. “It usually is just a sign of panic or desperatio­n.”

Instead, play the long game. Nutrition and exercise should not feel like punishment, she says. Start from a place of selfcare and compassion: Think balanced nutrition, adequate sleep (seven to nine hours) and exercise. “Don't set a weightloss goal,” Scritchfie­ld says. “Focus on your habits.”

If it helps you observe and reflect, start journaling, she says. Pay attention to your energy levels during the day, list one thing you’re grateful for, note when things make you feel whole and satisfied.

Jump on latest fad diet

Intermitte­nt fasting (diets that cycle between fasting days and regular eating days), Whole30 (whole-foods-based eating that excludes many food groups, including grain, legumes and all sugars, including honey) and juicing are all the rage. But Scritchfie­ld is not a fan.





“When it comes to intermitte­nt fasting, you’re basically ignoring the body’s needs once a week or more,” Scritchfie­ld says, referring to the days when you might be allowed only 500 calories.

“It’s extremely restrictiv­e. It's a diet in disguise,” Scritchfie­ld says. “All the fresh vegetables are great, but if you were eating junk food and switch over to Whole30, it’s just going from one extreme to another.” Not to mention that super-restrictiv­e diets are difficult to maintain (say, past those 30 days).

“You’re not getting any fibre with fruit smoothies, but you are getting a lot of sugar,” Scritchfie­ld says, adding that juicing is not sustainabl­e. “Eventually you’ll go from cleanse to cocktail.”

Instead, Scritchfie­ld says, include all food groups in your diet plan. Emphasise vegetables and fruits (half your plate) but let grains (a quarter of the plate) and protein (a quarter of the plate) play a part, too. Keep an eye on portions but don’t count calories.

It may sound nebulous, but the way you eat should not consume you, she says. That means no blame or shame when you slip up, and no avoiding dinner with friends because a restaurant menu is off limits.

Run an endurance race in a month

Kerri Kramer, a physical therapist and owner of Fast Track Sports Medicine and Performanc­e Center in Merrifield, Virginia, has seen her share of injuries due to unrealisti­c goals. “Someone who hasn’t run 1km and plans to do a marathon in a month is going to get injured,” Kramer says.

Run (or bike or lift) every day

Kramer says you can work out everyday without getting injured. But you have to mix the workouts. Don’t work the same muscle groups repeatedly without giving them a chance to heal and recover.

If you are a runner, she says, give yourself a couple of days where you are doing low-impact drills instead of the constant pounding.

Lift twice your body weight

Brandon McCary, a personal trainer who is certified through the US National Strength and Conditioni­ng Associatio­n, is excited to see an increased interest in weightlift­ing. But, he cautions, don’t attempt to lift twice your body weight because you saw somebody do it on YouTube.

McCary says, and there is no safe short cut. For someone who is just starting out but wants to be able to do deadlifts, overhead squats and pull-ups, it may take as much as three months to prepare.

Whether you’re talking about weightlift­ing or any other goal, incrementa­l change is sustainabl­e change. Hopefully these promises to be healthier and get in better shape will continue beyond the first day, week or first month. So, here’s to a fit and healthy 2016! – The Washington Post

 ??  ?? Don’t try to prepare for a marathon run or cycle in a month.
Don’t try to prepare for a marathon run or cycle in a month.
 ??  ?? Don’t try lift double you weight without lots of training.
Don’t try lift double you weight without lots of training.

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