Saturday Star



WHILE the ANC has its own struggle stalwarts and veterans, and may freely decide to use them in election campaigns, it is important that this does not replace actions on the ground, working with the people in communitie­s and being in touch with them.

The worst form of elitism comes when election candidates are parachuted in. The ANC’s detachment from the people is one of the elements that caused a sharp decline in support. It did not happen suddenly, but is something that preceded the Zuma presidency. This must be undone. It is time that the people were actively involved in leading ANC election campaigns. The VIPs should no longer be NEC members and treated as celebritie­s. Unless steps are taken to reunite the working class, communitie­s and the movement, the ANC will never regain the support it has lost.

Thabo Thwala Bothaville

PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma must not carry the blame for the decline of the ANC, so claims spokesman Zizi Kodwa, who refuses to acknowledg­e that Msholozi is a pariah. Zuma has been a problem in the great movement of Dr John Dube and Chief Albert Luthuli. He elevated himself as more Zulu than everybody else. Today IFP leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi has more credibilit­y than ANC’s pariah leader. Since 2007, ANC’s main goal has been to defend a man who is unfit to govern. It was the “native intelligen­ce” of Thabo Mbeki that made him take a firm position not to campaign for his party. He did not want to be part of the ANC failure because he has been part of ANC victories. He is indeed our “clever black”. He set the bar too high, which Zuma cannot match.

Zuma could not fool the people, particular­ly the working class. The Inkandla scandal, tribalism, the expulsion of Nhlanhla Nene, the ill-treatment of Mbeki, gaffes and his agenda to be succeeded by his former wife so that she can protect the Guptas, has damaged the ANC.

All Freedom Charterist­s must call for the resignatio­n of this pariah, who is damaging the great movement. We must also call on him to respect the stalwarts. The ANC must be seen as loyal to the constituti­on, not one leader who loves the ANC less than the Guptas and Russians. The abstinence of support is a rejection of corruption and all the ills of his incumbency. Zuma has capitulate­d ANC ground to the DA and EFF and must therefore resign.

Bravo to the ANC voters who punished the Zuma faction.

Felicity Bonisiwe Madubane Ladysmith

IS THERE any truth in the rumour that Danny Jordan is going to change his name to Danny You-done? It has not taken too long for the PE winds to blow Danny boy over. The situation could worsen as things are starting to reach a Fifa-pitch regarding the 2010 World Cup. Maybe one too many owngoals, Danny?

Keith Chipiwa

THE people of Vuwani could have chosen to vote differentl­y. Not to vote is tantamount to saying “I will stay away from work” but expect a full salary at the end of the month. They shot themselves in the foot, period.

Jonathan D Lujabe

 ??  ?? President Jacob Zuma
President Jacob Zuma

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