Saturday Star

Mom can’t sleep knowing her son’s killer remains at large


IT’S been seven months since Thulani Dube was murdered in cold blood. For his mother, Christina Dube, it seems like it happened yesterday. And the grief never ends.

“It’s very tough to move on from what happened,” said the grieving mom.

Dube, who worked as a petrol attendant, was fatally stabbed when walking home from work in Kagiso, Krugers- dorp, one evening.

After robbing him of his belongings, including his cellphone and takkies, Dube’s assailant stabbed him in the chest before fleeing.

The youngster was rushed to Leratong Hospital, but pronounced dead on arrival.

Months have gone by and police have yet to arrest the person who was responsibl­e for Dube’s needless death.

His mother said it was hard for her to fall asleep at night knowing her son’s killer remained at large.

“There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about my son and the pain that he had to go through that night.

“We reported the case to the police immediatel­y after it had happened. However, till today, nothing has happened,” said the grief-stricken 49-yearold.

“After a while I just gave up hope with the police. It almost seems like they just brush aside these cases.”

Christina has lost all interest in life, she said.

“I used to be such a joyful person. Now it’s a battle to get up every morning, I have simply lost my appetite and love for life.”

“Maybe God should just take me as well. I am tired of living this life.”

News that South Africa’s murder rate has increased over the last year hasn’t surprised Christina.

New statistics released by the SAPS yesterday indicate that the national murder rate now stands at 18 673 people, up 4.8 percent from 17 805.

“Murderers aren’t dealt with in this country. People are murdered every day in South Africa, yet the killers roam free.”

“The police are useless. They really don’t care one bit that my son was murdered. Nothing will bring him back, whether his killer is found or not. Police need to start working harder to make our streets safer.”

Thulani would have celebrated his 27th birthday this month.

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Thulani Dube

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