Saturday Star

Beware of extreme weather now the rain is finally here


THE heavens finally opened this week in Joburg, turning everything gloriously soggy.

Even as the plants and trees drank in deeply and even as every drop counts, the drought continues and so do water restrictio­ns.

More extreme weather patterns are a reality and South Africans should be prepared for the worst. For summer rainfall regions like Joburg the next few month could see severe storms, flooding and hail. Rains are also predicted for Joburg this weekend.

It’s best to be prepared and to consider the right kind of insurance coverage, says Bianca de Beer of Dialdirect. Insurance companies are among the keenest weather watchers and they have some tips to enable people to keep safe.

Hail forecasts mean taking cover in the right places for you and your cars. Don’t park under trees as they could be uprooted.

Driving in extreme conditions means slowing down, keeping a safe following distance and turning on your hazard lights. Keep a few heavy blankets in your car so that if you have to leave your car you can keep yourself from being pelted with hail.

Flooding risk also increases with extreme weather. If you’re in a floodprone zone, keep a supply of sandbags ready. Move high-value items away from floor level and remember to turn off gas and electricit­y.

If you find yourself driving when a heavy shower occurs, take your foot off the accelerato­r gradually rather than to brake suddenly as this could cause the car to skid or aquaplane.

With severe thundersto­rms, wind and lightning, the best protection is to remove rotting branches from trees so they don’t cause damage. Unplug appliances or use power-surge adaptors to protect against lightning strikes. – Staff Reporter

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