Saturday Star

Metsimahol­o coalition parties gun for mayor


POLITICAL parties in the coalition-led Metsimahol­o Local Municipali­ty maintain they still want current executive mayor Lindiwe Tshongwe out of office and are waiting with bated breath to seal her fate.

Yesterday efforts to pass a motion of no confidence vote against Tshongwe hit a snag again as council members failed to pitch for a meeting.

According to the Speaker, councillor Thabo Mabasa of the ANC, he and Tshongwe were left in the lurch and were the only members who attended.

Tshongwe, who has been on sick leave for the past two months, returned to the council chambers yesterday despite her sick note indicating that she would officially be back at work on Monday.

Mabasa confirmed that a new agenda would be tabled at a meeting next week on Friday when the motion would be debated.

Meanwhile, Metsimahol­o Concerned Residents leader and council whip Victor Nyembe said parties were waiting to act on Tshongwe.

“This municipali­ty is still plunged in crisis and is in need of an urgent interventi­on. As if we don’t have enough problems, we are also not happy with how the acting mayor, Mosiuoa Poho, handled matters while Tshongwe was away.

“He knows that we are a coalition government, but was hell-bent on making the decision alone and not consulting us,” he said.

The stand-off in the municipali­ty is further exacerbate­d by a numbers conundrum.

The SACP, of which Tshongwe is a member, has only three seats in the municipali­ty and to gain power it joined forces with the ANC, the Metsimahol­o Community Associatio­n (MCA), the Forum for Service Delivery (FSD) and the African Independen­t Congress (AIC).

But the MCA, FSD and AIC are not happy and have since filed a motion against Tshongwe with allegation­s, which include failure to exercise and execute her statutory powers and inconsiste­ncy in implementi­ng council resolution­s.

The municipali­ty was placed under administra­tion last year with the decision later retracted. It is without a permanent municipal manager and chief financial officer.

“This municipali­ty resembles the soapie Generation­s. Almost everyone here is acting, acting, acting. We need stability for the benefit of residents in this area” Nyembe said.

DA provincial leader Patricia Kopane said the issues in the Free State municipali­ty would not be solved by the vote to oust Tshongwe.

“The municipali­ty is run by people who don’t know how to govern. Politics is simple. It’s about numbers.

“They now want us to give them numbers to keep them in power. That won’t happen. Not at the expense of the people of Metsimahol­o. If a by-election happens so be it,” she said.

Tshongwe said she wouldd only comment after the council meeting

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