Saturday Star



IN THIS week’s A-typical Interview we feature Rikki Brest, a South African drummer, actress, TV presenter and DJ.

Brest has appeared on popular local soapies such as Isidingo, 7de Laan, and Generation­s, as well as on the big screen in the movie Eternity.

She has also featured in the internatio­nal reality TV series Clifton Shores, and has presented on Ignition TV and Top Gear Live.

If you could choose one musical artist to marry but could never listen to their music again, who would it be?

I would definitely marry Chris Daughtry purely because I love his voice so much. It would be horrible never listening to his music again, but I would make him sing everything to me…. “Honey would you like some tea?” in his voice? Any day!

What is your most embarrassi­ng moment from high school?

Every year on Valentine’s Day, all the kids could order roses or chocolates or teddies for other kids in the school and the Grade 11s would hand them out on the day. I felt mortified when I was the only person in my class who didn’t get anything. From that year, I would anonymousl­y send something to everyone I thought wouldn’t get anything so they didn’t feel that embarrassm­ent and felt special, too.

If you were held at gunpoint and told that if you didn’t impress them with your dance moves you would be killed, what dance moves would you bust out?

The Macarena! It’s the only dance I have done so many times that I could pull it off in that situation.

If you could replace a drummer from any band, which band would it be and why?

Locally I would replace Dale from Prime Circle, I always love their music and Ross’s voice! Internatio­nally I would replace Michael Thomas from Bullet for my Valentine. He creates such interestin­g patterns and I love their music!

If you had the power to shrink any one object and carry it with you in your pocket, which item would it be?

My cat, Djembe. If I could be with her 24/7 wherever I am, my life would be complete. Plus she would be a kitten again which is always super cute. (Does my cat obsession show?)

If you were arrested with no explanatio­n, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Stealing cats from people’s houses who I knew weren’t looking after them well enough. I am quite the nerd that never breaks rules, however for cats I would do anything!

If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose and why?

Really? I would choose not brushing my hair. I would make dreadlocks, and if that didn’t work I would shave it. Bad breath on the other hand is just revolting.

How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?

I love pineapple on pizza! It makes the calories worthwhile.

What do you think of New Year’s resolution­s? Are they a waste of time?

I believe each to their own. If you feel you need to make a New Year’s resolution to get you to do something you couldn’t do before, or to get yourself in the right frame of mind for the year, then go ahead.

What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

I would try to be an invisible superhero. I would interrupt a crime, grab the gun and turn it on them while floating in mid air, and make the criminals freak out to the point that they never try it again!

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