Saturday Star

SA is sinking into a moral abyss


THE ANC has been returned to power, but how they will govern remains to be seen.

South Africa and its inhabitant­s are in a state of deadly decay. We are in a state of moral zero gravity. The 2019 elections are over. Victors have emerged, the vanquished have been relegated to the dustbins of history. We must remember that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. It was Thomas Paine who said “those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it”.

Family structures are breaking down and with them the security that grounds children as they grow. Political structures seem even more powerless to produce good laws and government but are equally powerless to change and become more productive.

Ethical standards are toppling at the first sign of discomfort or personal cost to those who say they hold them. This is “zero morality” culture.

We are adrift in this abyss in our world like an astronaut without a tether would be adrift in space. Morally we are “weightless”.

You will graphicall­y encounter the deadly drift of moral weightless­ness and drift already in our culture and it seems to be getting worse.

In the political arena disregard for speaking the truth along with no integrity are the rule rather than the exception.

Character assassinat­ion and baldface lying and twisting the facts for political gain are more and more the pattern being followed.

We see the drift toward zero morality in religion, where both the sinner and the sin are equally condemned and forgivenes­s is not to be found. The world is morally adrift and is sinking into an abyss of selfishnes­s, hatred, bigotry and with it the accompanyi­ng violence that permeates our culture. We resemble the Roman Empire. Yours sincerely,

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