Saturday Star

Should rapists be chemically castrated?




CHEMICAL castration is apparently the new punishment of choice for rapists – for the ANC’S often moribund Women’s League, that is.

League president Bathabile Dlamini, who isn’t perhaps a natural standard bearer for gender sensitivit­y, wants rapists jailed, denied parole – and chemically castrated.

She also wants gender studies included in the school curriculum and for judges, police and lawyers dealing with women abuse cases to be able to deal with gender abuse cases.

You can’t argue with any of what she wants; it’s like motherhood and apple pie; men shouldn’t be beating the hell out women, forcing them to have sex or killing them. We all know this. The problem is that it doesn’t seem to matter in this country, we just can’t stop ourselves.

Catching rapists, convicting them, jailing them for life, hanging them in dungeons by their entrails, feeding them a diet of their own ordure or, in the immortal words of one former law enforcemen­t spokespers­on, having them repeatedly anally raped by other inmates, all makes for wonderful headlines but overlooks a couple of salient points: only a fraction of rapists are ever arrested, never mind tried and convicted; and the entire process is a double jeopardy for the rape survivor who has to relive the ordeal in an adversaria­l system set up to shred her testimony.

Men keep on raping because they are allowed to. The system enables them. The Women’s League has supported alleged rapists and women beaters in the past, not covertly but quite openly, political expedience trumping any supposed universal sisterhood.

But they aren’t the only ones. Homophobic patriarchy is a virus that infects this entire society; like magistrate Kholeka Bodlani who freed a man on charges of raping a teenager because he styled his hair, carried a bag and did the dishes, meant he had to be gay and therefore uninterest­ed in women.

All of which pales into insignific­ance with the speedster who flew down the N1 South near Midrand at 308km/h last weekend. We know he did this because he took one hand off the wheel to get his cellphone to film it – which he then posted to social media.

It’s difficult to know which is more mind-boggling, the selfishnes­s of turning your vehicle into a missile on a public road or the overweenin­g arrogance to film yourself doing it. Thanks to social activist Yusuf Abramjee, though, the driver was eventually brought to book – arrested ironically at a funeral he was attending on Sunday.

Perhaps Dlamini has a point, we should be considerin­g chemical castration, not for the convicted rapists but for rather all the rampant ambassador­s of toxic masculinit­y. That way we could seriously curb the spate of gender-based violence once and for all, well before it becomes rape or murder.

If we do that though, maybe we should consider electrocon­vulsive shock therapy? We can use it on everyone who stands silent when they should be screaming their outrage from the rooftops.

Perhaps the Women’s League can provide the first test candidates?

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