Saturday Star



N A recent Saturday afternoon, Tara Latta’s 36th-floor Chicago apartment with stunning views was a complete mess.

I’m watching the 39-year-old trying to jam the contents of a storage unit into her new one bedroom and it doesn’t appear to be going well. Latta’s kitchen table is teeming with receipts, unused thank-you notes, catalogues, bills and to-do lists.

Boxes are stacked halfway to the ceiling.

The counters are overflowin­g with tea cups, mixing bowls and water bottles.

But all is not as it seems. Latta is in the middle of her second of three, five-hour sessions with tidying consultant Kristyn Ivey.

One of the first steps Ivey demands of her clients is to bare all. That means all the stuff – even old underwear – gets laid out in full sight and then she gets to work. The former chemical engineer, who charges about $100 (R1 450) an hour, promises to clean up people’s homes... and much more.

“This is about confrontin­g yourself and learning about the things that you keep around you,” Ivey said. “This is more than an organisati­on strategy.”

Ivey is a disciple of Marie Kondo. For the uninitiate­d, Kondo, also known as Konmari, is the tidying guru and best-selling author who debuted a hit Netflix show a year ago that catapulted her from cult following into

Othe mainstream. Kondo has said she became obsessed with order as a kid, reportedly organising bookshelve­s during break at school and, after one freak-out over what to throw away had a breakthrou­gh – what she really should be doing is keeping the things that make her happy.

That evolved into Kondo’s “spark joy” gospel that’s now being spread by nearly

400 certified consultant­s such as Ivey, who had her own come-to-kondo moment when she parted ways with over R5 000 worth of clothes that still had the tags on. She started For The Love of Tidy.

This purge is “kind of like when you go into therapy,” Latta says. “This has been giving me the tools to have a process to really face this stuff and really design a life that I enjoy.”

Latta is a convert to a growing tribe of Americans who are rejecting the post-world War II consumeris­m that served as the engine of the world’s biggest economy.

LIVING SMALLER But there are signs everywhere of people living stripped-down lives. It’s not just Konmari: Reality TV is flooded with shows about tiny houses and saving money.

More people are convinced they can live cheaply in their 20s and 30s, and then retire in their 40s… a movement that’s been dubbed “financial independen­ce retire early”, or Fire. Instead of buying stuff, consumers are opting to rent, with entire ecosystems built to lease everything from wardrobes to camping gear to toys. Last year proved to be the year when the re-sale market mainstream­ed to the point that buying used goods became okay for Christmas gifts.

Plaster all that with mounting anxiety about climate change and the environmen­tal impact of consumptio­n, including the packaging and kilometres from e-commerce deliveries, and you have the ingredient­s for a seismic shift, not just a short-lived trend. It would be more bad news for the struggling US retail sector and a potential long-term threat to consumer spending, according to Michael Solomon, a marketing professor at Saint Joseph’s University.

Americans are “moving away from pride of ownership, which has been a bedrock of our capitalist society”, Solomon says. “It becomes more like, use it and give it back, as opposed to own it forever.”

Big retail has taken notice. Macy’s is selling second-hand clothing at about 40 US locations. Neiman Marcus bought a stake in an e-commerce company that sells pre-owned luxury handbags and other accessorie­s. Meanwhile, malls are filling spaces once occupied by department stores and apparel chains with restaurant­s and trampoline gyms.

I was intrigued watching Ivey help Latta achieve her goal to “eliminate as much paper as possible” and create a clear, cosy environmen­t. – Bloomberg

 ??  ?? Use goods when needed then give back or swop, but keep those which make you happy. PICTURE: ALEXANDRU ACEA
Use goods when needed then give back or swop, but keep those which make you happy. PICTURE: ALEXANDRU ACEA PICTURE: ASHIM D SILVA

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