Saturday Star

I’m not man in Sandton sex video, says dad



IT’S the video that’s got everyone talking on Twitter.

Viewed thousands of times, retweeted and commented upon, it has been trending for the last 48 hours.

Shot in the evening, apparently sometime this week – from a next door building – the video shows a man and a woman in flagrante.

The man is naked with his back to the camera. The woman is in a yellow dress. The action soon develops into full-blown sex atop what looks like a boardroom table – to the delight, faux shock and ribald commentary of the Twitterver­se – all the way through to the ultimate denouement.

For Zahed Sibda, though, it’s no laughing matter. Named and shamed on social media as the man with his back to the window, the father of two and managing director of Sandton investment company Fieldstone Private Capital, has denied he is the man in the video.

At 00:53am on the night, the BMW is caught on a CCTV camera as it drives up 7th Avenue, towards 3rd Street. The car would have passed Poppy’s on the opposite side of the street.

Four minutes later, a CCTV camera captures the car front-on on 4th Avenue. This is the image that allowed Naude a glimpse of the occupants.

If they turned right into 7th Avenue, this would have led the car past Poppy’s, leaving the man in the back seat with a clear shot of the patrons gathered outside the restaurant.

Naude’s husband Eduan is also an ex-policeman, but since leaving the SAPS he has worked as a bodyguard. Part of his training was learning to shoot out the window of the back seat of a vehicle.

“I was in Iraq for four or five years and that was part of our training and it’s extremely difficult,” he said. “These were not just luck shots.”

Eduan has watched the CCTV footage of the shooting and believes it was the man in the back seat that did the shooting.

“It seems as if the person from the back-seat was shooting because when he passes them (the patrons) they start dropping,” said Eduan. The shooter, he believes, could have been kneeling with the gun resting on the door of the car.

Police haven’t revealed what gun was used in the shooting but sources indicated the possibilit­y that the shooting could be gang related.there were two other shootings that night that left revellers injured.

Two hours after the Melville shooting, a gunman or gunmen opened fire from the M1 highway on party goers who had gathered in Mary Fitzgerald Square – injuring 11 people.

In Parkhurst, a 24-year-old man was shot and wounded at Jolly Cool’s bar in Parkhurst. Police have said they don’t believe the Mary Fitzgerald and the Melville shootings are linked.

The SAPS are appealing for help from the public and they are offering a reward for informatio­n for both the shootings.

The man in the sketch is known by someone, so are his accomplice­s. If someone possibly recognises them they can notify the police by calling the Crime Stop number 0860010111 or by a tip-off on the MYSAPS app.

 ??  ?? Bystanders watch the duo in action.
Bystanders watch the duo in action.

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