Saturday Star



Robert II becomes King of Scotland, beginning the Stuart dynasty. The Fitzalans – his ancestors – held the office of High Steward of Scotland. Mary, Queen of Scots,one of Robert’s descendent­s, was brought up in France and adopted the French spelling of the name, Stuart, since there was no ‘W’ in the French alphabet.

Native American Indians introduce the pilgrims to popcorn.

A young man on horseback races through the hamlet of Stellenbos­ch shouting

as news spread that the burghers scored a resounding victory against Governor Adrian Willem van der Stel, with his VOC bosses in Amsterdam ruling in favour of the burghers and firmly establishi­ng them as the sole suppliers of food in the Cape.

Young Hendrik Biebouw and his friends – who lived on the periphery of burgher society – staged a celebratio­n in Stellenbos­ch.

These festivitie­s would have gone unnoticed, except for Biebouw’s strong identifica­tion of himself as an Afrikaner, at least 80 years before the burghers commonly used the term for themselves.

A thatched roof church is inaugurate­d on the square in Pretoria, giving rise to the name, Church Square.

Frank Woolworth opens the first of many stores that will go on to bear his name.

A report is released in London about the disappeara­nce of the SS Waratah between Durban and Cape Town with all hands (211), blaming a storm for its loss.

US President Roosevelt orders General Douglas Macarthur out of the Philippine­s as the Japanese victory becomes inevitable.

The notorious Broadway flop

opens and closes on the same night. One of the reviewers, New Yorker art critic Brendan Gill, said the play ‘would insult the intelligen­ce of an audience consisting entirely of amoebas’. is considered the standard of awfulness against which all Broadway failures are judged.

Hindus kill 3 000 Muslims in Assam, India.

The survivor of more than a dozen previous assassinat­ion attempts, Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi is finally killed in a military ambush.

An earthquake strikes Christchur­ch, New Zealand, killing 181 people.

Neandertha­ls not humans were the first artists on Earth, producing red cave paintings 65 000 years ago in Spain, according to new research, published in | THE HISTORIAN

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