Saturday Star

Prohibitio­n fever is enough to drive one to drink


THIS youth month we stop and think about adolescent­s – aged between 10 and 19 – especially female adolescent­s, who continue to show high HIV infection rates.

Worldwide, 25% of all new HIV infections are in adolescent girls and young women aged between 15 and 24. And unlike most age groups, adolescent mortality is increasing, with HIV being the leading cause of adolescent death in Africa (Unaids, 2019).

Adolescent­s are also less likely to seek HIV services or stay on treatment.

HIV treatment outcomes, including retention, are worse for this age group than for adults.

These facts remind us of Nkosi Johnson, who, at 11 years old stood like an emblem of the HIV struggle, “a reluctant hero and activist” and smiled bravely to demand urgent and decisive action against the virus in South Africa.

Nkosi stood on a huge stage at Kingsmead cricket stadium during the 2000 Durban Aids conference, in a dark suit hanging on his fragile and tiny frame, with his big heart visible for all to see.

Nkosi made a clarion call at his world-renowned speech that we all must remember. First, he asked parents to be open about HIV with their children. In his cracking voice, he said: “My mommy Gail and I have always been open about me having Aids.”

The primary problem with addressing the needs of adolescent­s and youths living with HIV demands that parents are open with their children about their HIV status. Many children are left behind because parents don’t have the stamina to face their stigma and HIV status.

So, in memory of Nkosi and to accord these young souls – and the “fastest-growing” population of AYLHIV (adolescent­s and young people living with HIV) – a better future, we must address this problem.

Children have the right to dream. Let’s help them realise these dreams and not die prematurel­y and unnecessar­ily.

Nkosi also asked us not to discrimina­te against children living with HIV.

In his words, he thanked the government for developing a policy on HIV and said: “I am very proud to say that there is now a policy for all Hiv-infected children to be allowed to go into schools and not be discrimina­ted against.”

A 2019 study by Maskew (and others) indicates that only 50% of those aged 15-19 successful­ly initiated antiretrov­iral therapy through to viral load testing.

This is a test that measures the effectiven­ess of the treatment and usually takes place at six months, one year, and then annually after treatment is started.

A factor affecting the rate of treatment among adolescent­s is that they are dealing with changes in parental versus personal responsibi­lity for maintainin­g their health.

They may be taking more risks, relying more on their peers for support, and becoming more interested in serious sexual relationsh­ips.

They may drop out of treatment to avoid disclosing their activities.

“I hate having Aids because I get very sick and I get very sad when I think of all the other children and babies that are sick with Aids,” Nkosi said. “I just wish that the government can start giving AZT (an antiretrov­iral medication) to pregnant HIV mothers to help stop the virus being passed on to their babies.”

All children hate living with HIV and we can make it better and easier than Nkosi had to endure.

To do this we must heed his clarion call: “Care for us and accept us – we are all human beings.

“We are normal.

“We have hands.

“We have feet.

“We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else.

“Don’t be afraid of us – we are all the same”.

More than 28% of the South African population is between the ages of 0-14 years, while those under 25 years make up more than 45%.

HIV prevalence among young women is almost four times greater than that of young men.

In 2018, 540 000 young women were living with HIV, compared to 180 000 young men. In the same year, 69000 young women became Hiv-positive, compared to 28 000 young men, meaning they are more than three times more likely to acquire HIV than their male counterpar­ts.

The difference is particular­ly acute among 10 to 19-year-olds, with 33 000 adolescent girls becoming Hiv-positive in 2018, compared to 4 200 adolescent boys. We can’t destroy a future by our inaction in protecting children from HIV when there is treatment available (Unaids, 2019).

Maybe Nkosi’s power was because he was an “innocent victim” who contracted HIV through his biological mother rather than through sex (like many of our adolescent­s and teens today); perhaps it was because he had no agenda other than to live for as long as he could and to help others from suffering similarly; possibly it was because he was black and poor.

But Nkosi’s frail skeletal body and thin voice became as much an emblem of suffering, activism, and revolution as the dead body of Hector Petersen, being carried after the massacres in Soweto in 1976, was in the time of apartheid.

Nkosi died on June 1, 2001. Let’s honour his memory by heeding his call for our future leaders. | Voices 360

Maxon is the deputy manager at the Department of Health in KZN



THE transport department believes that alcohol is turning South Africa into a “banana republic”.

That’s what department spokespers­on Collen Msibi told the media this week, explaining the department’s bid to eliminate drunken driving through the National Road Traffic Amendment Act, reducing the allowed amount of alcohol in a driver’s bloodstrea­m to almost nil.

It’s an opportune time to have the law passed, because there’s no doubt that the 60+ Day hard lockdown brought about a remarkable reduction in deaths on the roads (as well as a sharp decrease in the carnage at casualty department­s in hospitals across the country).

But was this because of the unavailabi­lity of the demon drink or the fact that we were all ostensibly locked up in our homes? No one’s asked that question, but Msibi isn’t alone. There’s been a growing clamour for prohibitio­n generally, driven by a mix of biblical compulsion and statist thrill.

There’s no doubt that booze is a massive factor in domestic violence, general anti-social conduct and road deaths. But, ignoring for the sake of the argument that there are plenty of people who can and do behave responsibl­y, if we take the slaughter on the roads as an example; there’s also the issue of speeding, driving unroadwort­hy vehicles and generally driving like a selfish a ****** e.

If we ban liquor, shouldn’t we also ban self-drive vehicles and pivot to autonomous driving vehicles, whose algorithms will outlaw sho’t lefts or overtaking on blind rises?

The problem with blanket prohibitio­ns is that they don’t change the root human behaviour; they just make us feel great for a moment because of the semblance of someone doing something to address a real societal ill.

We have rules: about speeding, about unroadwort­hy vehicles, about hitting women – or each other. We have rules that unequivoca­lly outlaw drinking and driving, drinking at the workplace or even being drunk in public. The elephant in the room is that we don’t apply them and when rules aren’t applied, they aren’t observed.

Prosecutor­s have an uphill battle to secure conviction­s in court; the labs are tardy with the blood tests; dockets perpetuall­y go missing; the court rolls are congested. The few dronkies who do get sent down will probably be the first to be released on parole on amnesty; presidenti­al or pandemic, to cope with perennial over-crowding – because they aren’t perceived as bad as axe murderers or rapists.

Alcohol is only one of the many problems we have, but it is a highly convenient dog whistle for the incompeten­ts and hypocrites to distract from their own failings. It certainly isn’t the reason why we are, in Msibi’s words, “turning into a banana republic”. But if Msibi believes that, perhaps he should look to his own minister for counsel.

We don’t need more rules, especially ones that are disproport­ionate and irrational, we just need to apply the ones that we have, fairly, uniformly and consistent­ly. If you can’t drink responsibl­y, then don’t – or face the consequenc­es. But there have to be consequenc­es.

The fact that no one gets it, is enough to drive you to drink.

Ritchie is a journalist and a former newspaper editor

 ??  ?? THE late Nkosi Johnson, 11, addresses the XIII Internatio­nal Aids Conference at Kingsmead cricket stadium on July 9, 2000. | REUTERS
THE late Nkosi Johnson, 11, addresses the XIII Internatio­nal Aids Conference at Kingsmead cricket stadium on July 9, 2000. | REUTERS
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