Saturday Star

Pandemic takes toll on female health


COVID-19 has taken an enormous toll on women and girls around the world as a direct consequenc­e of national lockdowns and the sidelining of sexual and reproducti­ve health services by health systems struggling to respond to the pandemic.

As the crisis rages on, the number of women unable to access family planning, facing unintended pregnancie­s, gender-based violence (GBV) and other harmful practices could rocket.

A recent study commission­ed by the UN Popultion Fund (UNFPA), the UN sexual and reproducti­ve health agency, highlighte­d that if mobility restrictio­ns continue for at least six months with major disruption­s to health services, 47 million women in low- and middle-income countries may be deprived of modern contracept­ives, resulting in 7 million unintended pregnancie­s.

The disruption of UNFPA’S programmes on the ground could result in 2 million cases of female genital mutilation and 13 million child marriages that could have been averted by 2030.

We can also expect up to 31 million additional cases of GBV for every six months of movement restrictio­n measures. Many women are trapped with abusers at a time of heightened household tensions and reduced prevention and protection efforts, social services and care.

In South Africa reports of GBV have surged since the pandemic started and lockdown was instituted in March.

This is just the current snapshot; the future of what we call the “shadow pandemic” could be much worse. UNFPA projects that Covid-19 will slash by at least one third global progress towards ending preventabl­e maternal deaths, unmet need for family planning and GBV and harmful practices against women and girls in this decade.

While the spread of the coronaviru­s has slowed down in some developed countries, it is rapidly increasing in parts of the developing world – including in countries where national health systems were already overstretc­hed before the pandemic and those experienci­ng protracted humanitari­an crises.

UNFPA staff around the world are working around the clock to ensure access to sexual and reproducti­ve health services and to protect essential workers such as midwives.

We are also doing our part to protect women and girls at risk of GBV, to lobby for inclusion of essential services to address GBV in preparedne­ss and response plans for Covid-19, and to make modern contracept­ives widely available to avoid unintended pregnancie­s.

We cannot do this alone. UNFPA calls on government­s and partners to prioritise the sexual and reproducti­ve health of women and girls and respond urgently to their needs, especially in humanitari­an situations.

In the first year of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals by 2030, we must not allow the coronaviru­s to further worsen inequaliti­es, including gender inequality.

Assisting people affected by humanitari­an crises is not only the right thing to do; it is the smart thing to do. Failure to respond may result in countless lives lost and lead to a future resurgence of Covid19 in fragile and conflict-affected countries.

Pregnancy doesn’t stop during a pandemic. Neither does childbirth. And neither do human rights. On World Population Day, it’s time to reaffirm and act on our collective resolve to secure sexual and reproducti­ve health and rights for all.

Dr Natalia Kanem is the executive director of the UN Population Fund.

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