Saturday Star

‘UFO’ sighting reported in Pinetown

Others in the town complex saw it, but they won’t testify


SOMETHING strange had blotted out the stars over Pinetown.

Where the stars should have been on this clear night was a large black triangle shaped craft, perhaps three to four football fields in size.

The man who claimed to have seen this strange object ran into his townhouse complex to grab this cellphone and call his girlfriend.

But by the time he returned, the craft was no longer there.

When something strange and unexplaine­d is spotted in the sky, it is often Lee Strydom, the Mutual UFO Network (Mufon) SA representa­tive who is called.

This was a good sighting and the witness, who happened to be a friend of Strydom’s, left him a message on his cellphone that night.

“When I got to work the next day, I had this message, he said that he saw something and it was coming in my direction,” Strydom explained.

Others in the town house complex had also seen the strange triangular object but to Strydom’s frustratio­n, none of them wanted to be interviewe­d.

Interestin­gly, flying black triangles spotted at night are not that uncommon in UFO case files across the world.

Just this week someone reported to Mufon of sighting a large dark triangle craft in Penticton, British Columbia, in Canada.

The suspicion is that these triangular craft could be a top secret US surveillan­ce aircraft known as the TR-3A Black Manta.

The flying triangle sighting was an exception for Strydom, who has been the SA Mufon representa­tive for six years. Most sightings that are reported to him are easily explained away.

Sharing South African airspace these days are hovering drones, weather balloons and the biggest UFO let down of them all – Chinese lanterns.

“It’s difficult when you have got sightings where somebody will send you a report and they will say ‘Hey Man, I saw a light in the sky’,” said Strydom. “And I will ask, are there photos or other proof? And there isn’t. But there are so many different things happening in our skies that are natural phenomena, you get ball lightning, that people think are UFOS.”

Then, there are the hoaxes. The photograph­s of real flying saucers that appear in Strydom’s inbox.

Once somebody reported seeing the cartoon character Spongebob running around their garden.

But on the odd occasion, Strydom receives a report where he can’t find a scientific answer and sometimes it is just a hunch that something truly unexplaine­d happened.

Take what happened to a couple in the Northern Cape. And this case didn’t involve a UFO or as those in the alien hunting industry now like to call them UAPS, or Unidentifi­ed Aerial Phenomena.

As was reported to Strydom the couple were driving between two towns when they entered a massive thundersto­rm – one of the worst they said they had ever experience­d.

“It was at night and it was raining and there was this massive black cloud above them. They passed this road sign that said X town was 15 kilometres away.”

The couple continued driving through the storm for the next 10 to 15 minutes.

Suddenly the storm cleared and they were at the same road sign that marked that the town was 15 kilometres away. “So they hadn’t moved for 15 minutes, but they were driving. There was a time difference,” explains Strydom.

“This was very interestin­g because that’s not your typical ‘I saw this light going across the sky’. Whether he was lying, I don’t think so. The way he told the story, and how petrified they were afterwards, in my opinion, makes it real.”

It suggests, believes Strydom, of possible time travel.

The problem, like with many other sightings, Strydom has been unable to corroborat­e the event with other witnesses.

Unlike his friend, who saw the triangle shaped UFO, Strydom is a believer. He said he saw a UFO when he was a child and he has been interested ever since.

“But I am very sceptical when it comes to sightings because most of them are either natural phenomenon or they are man made.”

... so many different things happening in our skies...

Lee Strydom


Mufon has been investigat­ing UFO sightings since 1969. It is the largest non-profit organisati­on of its kind in the world. They have representa­tives across the world and claim to have specialise­d teams that investigat­e possible physical evidence of extraterre­strial craft.

The organisati­on has however drawn criticism in the past, for promoting pseudo-science and moving away from its original mandate of UFO observatio­ns.

Officially Strydom is the South African representa­tive for Mufon, but he also handles cases from across Africa and even into the Middle East. One sighting he investigat­ed happened in Israel, during a wedding

“A woman sent me footage from a wedding, where they noticed something in the sky. When you slow down the footage, you can make out a cigar shaped UFO, then 30 seconds later it was followed by Israeli air force jets,” said Strydom.

That was a good sighting, there was video footage and several witnesses. But most aren’t like that, so for the future Strydom will continue sifting through those reports, weeding out the hoaxes and the explained phenomena. Then, just maybe, there will be one sighting that will prove what Strydom knows: that aliens have been visiting for thousands of years.

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