Saturday Star

Self-care trends to try


IF THE past year and a bit have taught us anything, it is the importance of self-care.

We get only one body, and nurturing and nourishing it in the right way is of the utmost importance. From small daily rituals to grand events, there is a greater focus on self-care of every kind.

Spa visits, holidays, birthdays, weddings and reunions of every kind were put on hold as we moulded ourselves to best suit the circumstan­ces of the pandemic.

Many people continue working from home without an off switch to end their day. In response, people are carving time out of their lives to be kind and listen to their minds and bodies. Here are some self-care trends to try:

Healing holidays

Stress, anxiety and uncertaint­y bubbled to the surface last year. With health and wellness on everyone’s minds, the tourism industry has taken note. Wellness holidays, eco-tourism and healing holidays are going to be big once more borders open and people become comfortabl­e with travelling again.

From yoga retreats in the mountains to entire packages consisting of meditation classes and consultati­ons with ayurvedic doctors, tourism sectors are readying themselves for the demand for physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing packages.

At the Global Wellness Summit last year, experts predicted a boom in the demand for wellness therapies, and that they might even surpass medical treatments.

Emphasis on skincare Pinterest’s trend prediction­s report for 2021 revealed a surge in searches for all things natural when it comes to skincare.

Emphasis is being placed on healthy, glowing skin rather than concealing imperfecti­ons with caked-on make-up.

To lessen the appearance of wrinkles, promote blood circulatio­n and give faces that “snatched” look, facial yoga, gua sha, crystal rollers and more are the natural remedies people are opting for in place of cosmetic surgery.

Of course, a more streamline­d make-up routine sporting unruly brows, gloss in place of matte lipstick, and lots of blush for that flushed, youthful look should follow suit as healthy skin needs very little to look its best.

Slow living

According to the website, Think With Google, “the slow living” trend has been growing exponentia­lly on Youtube and is closely associated with popular themes of simple living and minimalism.

“Our teams dug deep into viewing habits and found a stunning, 4X increase in views of videos with ‘slow living’ in the title in 2020 compared to 2019.”

Living in a buzzing world that’s continuous­ly evolving can be a challenge for those who prefer to take things at their own pace.

With working from home a part of our new normal, there’s more room in our lives to take things slow. An ideal way to turn off the chaos, the lifestyle encourages a slower approach to aspects of everyday life.

Whether that be spending less time on social media, being more mindful, spending time in the outdoors and taking up new hobbies, find an approach that works to make life feel like it is in your control and not something that just flits past.

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