Saturday Star




1 What was the former name of Alice Springs (6)

8 Name a place where public records or other historical documents are kept (8)

9 What are lengths of thread or yarn, wound in coils (6)

10 Which alternativ­e term is descriptiv­e of bullfighte­rs (8)

11 Name the transparen­t anterior part of the external coat of the eye (6)

13 To arouse feelings of extreme disgust, is to do what (8)

16 What do we call the set of control buttons on a laptop computer (8)

19 Which joints of the arm lie between the upper arm and forearm (6)

22 Which person is employed to attend and groom racehorses in the stables (8)

24 Name a more familiar term for thespians (6)

25 What do we call a tabular arrangemen­t of the days of each month and week in a year (8)

26 Name the theory that reality is one (as opposed to pluralism) (6)


2 Name the capital of Japan (5)

3 What is another term for a foreigner (5)

4 In which state was Errol Flynn said to have been born (8)

5 What is a native of Edinburgh called (4)

6 In golf, what is a score of one stroke under par on a hole (6)

7 Which form of polecat is used for hunting rabbits in their burrows (6)

12 Name the red variety of corundum, highly prized as a gem (4)

14 Name the style of bowling used in softball (8) 15 What is another term for a counterten­or (4)

17 In movies, what do they call members of mob scenes, etc (6)

18 What were indigenous North American warriors called (6)

20 Name a staff used especially as a mark of office or authority (5)

21 What are small, usually hard, abnormal elevations on the skin (5)

23 What do we call schools of whales (4)

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