Saturday Star




♠ A K 9 7 6 2 ♥ 76

♦ K76

♣ J T



♥ 9 8 3

♦ 9 5 4

♣ A9 7 5 4 2


♠ QJ T 5 4 3 ♥ -

♦ QJ T

♣ K Q6 3


♠ -

♥ AK QJ T 5 4 2 ♦ A8 3 2


Contract: 6♥ by South

Opening Lead: ♠A. What is your plan?

Recommende­d Line: You can see ten tricks. The club suit will have to be establishe­d to provide the extra tricks. It’s easy to achieve this if the defenders’ clubs break 3-3. The greater challenge lies in the more common

4-2 break. In that case, you will have to play five rounds of clubs. That requires four entries to table. Did you ruff with the ♥A at trick one? As is so often the case, to ruff with your smallest trump leads to problems. At trick two, lead a club to ♣A, and ruff a club, using the ♥K. The ♥5 is led to the ♥9, and a club is ruffed, this time with the ♥Q. Next, the ♥4 is led to the ♥8, and a club is ruffed with the ♥J. At last, their clubs are all out of the way. Now comes your moment of glory. You lead your carefully preserved ♥2 to dummy’s ♥3, and cash two winning clubs. *

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