Saturday Star

Astro Zindagi

- By Neeraj Dhankher ■ Dhankher is founder and CEO of Astro Zindagi and has proficienc­y in Vedic, KP and Nadi astrology


You'll continue to have faith in your abilities. Business people will benefit greatly this week. People who work for the government are likely to receive a promotion and transfer. Avoid arguing with your seniors. Due to health difficulti­es and a heavy workload, the middle of the week may provide challenges. Brace for unexpected expenses.


You might experience health-related difficulti­es. There will be a lot of commuting for work, which will make you more stressed. Some of you might be given new possibilit­ies regarding a neighbouri­ng country. Your investment­s will continue to provide an income, and your financial situation will hold steady.


Maintain your drive to achieve your goals. Your financial situation will improve. You will be able to pay off outstandin­g obligation­s and bills. However, refrain from lending money. A legal dispute should also be avoided since it might cost you money. At work, all your tasks will be completed without any problems.


Try not to let your mind go to the dark side. Refresh yourself by engaging in a leisure activity. This will improve your health and allow you to think clearly and creatively. There is a chance that money or real estate problem that has been disputed will move in your favour. Your financial situation will improve as a result.


This week, your impatience might make you angry. On the work front, you're probably going to hear excellent news. Business people will benefit from this week. You'll be able to access an additional source of income. You and your partner will have valuable time together. Those who are in a relationsh­ip might make wedding plans.


You won't receive the anticipate­d returns from investment­s this week. You may quickly double your earnings if you use the right ideas and strategies. Support from your seniors and co-workers will be helpful. You might feel upset as a result of your spouse's unexpected actions. Work steadily toward your goals.


Your financial condition will get back on track this week. It will aid in your recovery from previous setbacks. At work, you could run into issues with seniors. A long-requested wish could come true. There is a good chance that a new relationsh­ip will develop if you are trying to get married. There could be unexpected visitors at your home.


This week, you're likely to feel stressed. On the profession­al front, there will be an overwhelmi­ng amount of work. Avoid arguing with co-workers if you don't want your reputation to suffer. On the financial front, things will go well for you. The moment is right to invest in a real estate. Your family life will improve.


This week will see the conclusion of all the obstacles you faced, allowing you to finish the task you have on hold. Due to your workload, you will feel additional strain, but you will manage. You will benefit financiall­y. Towards the middle of the week, you might experience melancholy and worry about the future. Gains will come at the conclusion of the week, and you'll feel content and at ease.


You will advance at work. Your leisure time should be used to improve your abilities and discover your potential. Your attempts to increase your income are probably going to increase. A business trip might happen. You'll be able to keep the peace in your family due to your persuasive­ness. Harmonious relationsh­ips will develop between you and your life mate.


You'll experience good fortune this week. Your unresolved issues will be resolved. Career progress is inevitable, but it's best not to lose patience or rush into decisions. There won't be a shortage of luxuries, but you should put money away for a rainy day. There might be work-related issues in the middle of the week. You'll make money, and a new source of income could appear.


You're likely to experience health issues. Work within your capabiliti­es to prevent your body's resistance to stress and exhaustion. You could get a new work offer. Traders should anticipate a steady period of profit. This week is expected to see the conclusion of any property-related transactio­ns. Your family will continue to enjoy each other.

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