Soccer Laduma

Who the hell do they think they are?

- Good night Doctor Khumalo

I had so many issues I wanted to discuss in this week’s column, but after watching Al-Ahly v Mamelodi Sundowns, I had to change my plans. Before going any further, let me congratula­te Sundowns on a job well done and reaching the semifinals of the CAF Champions League. To coach Pitso Mosimane and his technical team, the players, management and everyone associated with the club, great job guys! Like I said last week, the first leg performanc­e was unbelievab­le and the second, as expected, was a hell of a game! I wouldn’t say it was a beautiful game at all – it was ugly and unbearable. In those kinds of situations that Sundowns found themselves in, at the risk of sounding biased, I wonder what Fair Play means to some people. Why does FIFA even bother about instilling the spirit of Fair Play or does it only apply in certain countries? I must say that it was the most, most disappoint­ing Al-Ahly I have ever watched! I know that team very well, but those who read my column last week will remember what I said about the second leg. I was not totally surprised by the home team’s attitude and treatment of their visitors. The only thing that stood out for me in this game was the match officials, especially the referee, who were unbelievab­le! They were very profession­al and handled the game very well. They were not intimidate­d by the players and the hostile crowd, at all, which was remarkable to watch. The match almost resembled a World Wrestling Entertainm­ent (WWE) contest and not a football game. The Ahly players were referees, linesmen, match commission­ers and everything you can think of, trying to turn the result around. They played dirty tricks and this is a team we are supposed to celebrate as they’re the most decorated team in the continent. To be honest, this is exactly how they’ve won all those trophies and they want to tell us that they’re the best! I’m telling you, if Sundowns lost, say, by 2-0 in the first leg, Ahly players would have been found on the ground every chance they got and played all the delaying tactics. The ball boys would have played along but, since Ahly were trailing, they were so quick to get the ball back on the field. It was really unsporting behaviour from Ahly players and it looked so ugly. What were Sundowns players supposed to do when they needed medical attention, after being fouled left, right and centre? We saw Ahly pulling injured Sundowns players trying to get them off the field, when the referee was there and in full control of the game. I’m so disappoint­ed in Ahly and their attitude stank on Saturday! With that behaviour, even if I was in Europe I wouldn’t utter a word about Ahly and how well they’ve done over the years. They just didn’t show a true reflection of African football and, like I said, what we saw on Saturday was ugly! They’ve lost my respect and I’m very disappoint­ed in them. They came to Tshwane and were given a five-star treatment, lost fair and square, and then they repay Sundowns like that? Losing is part of the game and you’d expect better from an experience­d side like them. If there’s an upcoming talent in internatio­nal football, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi can’t be bitter about that, they will embrace the young talent. Surely, Ahly should know better and appreciate the new kid on the block that is Sundowns. I must say, Ahly, you can keep all your stars above your badge, but your behaviour left so much to be desired! Who gave you a right not to lose? Who told you you’ve got the best and unbeatable team? You must be fooling yourselves if you think you won’t lose. You can do much better than that and I still can’t believe you refused to accept the defeat and move on, like real champions. Who the hell do they think they’re? You know, this is the same attitude we’ve always experience­d even with their national team. Clearly, nothing has changed and they still don’t want to accept defeat. They need to show more respect to the game. Their behaviour was unacceptab­le! Do you know that Sundowns were delayed at the airport upon their arrival and then had to drive for three hours to get to their hotel? When they eventually arrived at the hotel, they were kept waiting because the hotel rooms were apparently not ready. Can you believe it? We are still far behind in the African continent if this is how we treat each other. People are looking good from the outside, but they’re devils on the inside. If you want to be respected and celebrated as a champion, do things fairly and profession­ally. Where have you ever heard of, say, Barcelona going to play Juventus and they’re left stranded at the airport or the hotel is not ready when they want to check-in? It never happens, yet it has been normalised in our continent. What we saw in Egypt was ugly and Al-Ahly have lost my respect! Anyway, let’s celebrate Sundowns’ achievemen­t and not allow others’ bad behaviour to distract us. How can they expect Sundowns to be pushovers after taking such a brilliant lead in the first leg, playing fairly and profession­ally? The boys really fought hard and deserved to go through, under trying circumstan­ces. I would like to wish them everything of the best in the semis, which means they’re getting closer to the final.

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