
Ours is a unity of purpose’

- Hlengiwe Nhlabathi

POLICE Minister Nathi Mthethwa preached unity yesterday, reminding the ANC and its allies that theirs was a unity of purpose.

Mthethwa also cautioned against those who were misled into thinking that an individual was bigger than an organisati­on.

Speaking at the Police, Prisons and Civil Rights Union (Popcru) central executive committee in Tshwane, Mthethwa acknowledg­ed the extent of the divisions within Cosatu.

“If anyone among us feels the national democratic revolution is a problem, the movement of the masses, the revolution­ary alliance is a problem, our task is to remind those individual­s that that ours is a unity of purpose,” he said.

“We are not here because we just like each other ’ s faces. We are together for a purpose. If we no longer agree on the purpose, what it means is that we should, as a movement, do what we are known for – emphasise the issue of unity, especially for those who have been misled to think an individual equals an organisati­on.”

The problems in Cosatu, further exacerbate­d by the suspension of its general-secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, have exposed the deep-seated factionali­sm, with affiliates backing Vavi and those backing the federation ’ s president Sdumo Dlamini pulling in different directions.

The National Union of Metalworke­rs of SA, a staunch Vavi backer, has threatened to leave the federation and the alliance led by the ANC.

This could have a negative effect ahead of elections next year. –

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