


I AM 28 years old. I am attractive, educated and have a good job.

I have been unlucky in love but have met a man who I really like. We have been out a few times and I have fallen in love with him.

I did something so stupid and out of character. When he asked if I was using birth control I lied and said yes.

Soon after I started taking the pill again. Four months later I have just been to the doctor who has told me that I am pregnant.

I am shocked because we had sex only once when I was not taking the pill. I have always wanted a baby but not like this.

This is such a mess. I won ’ t consider abortion. What should I do?

Terrified, Soweto It might be hard but you need to tell your boyfriend about the pregnancy. He might no longer want to be involved with you but hopefully he will want to be involved in his child’s life. This is what your child deserves.

It is no longer just about you. You now have a child to consider.

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