
MPs sent out to fight xenophobia


- Jan-Jan Joubert

PARLIAMENT has suspended its plenary sittings for next week to allow MPs to go to their communitie­s and combat xenophobia.

Important portfolio committee meetings tasked with passing the budget in time will continue, but full plenary meetings of the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces have been suspended to free up MPs. The decision was taken by the multi-party chief whips ’ forum this week and has the support of all major political parties in parliament.

Supporting the decision, ANC chief whip Stone Sizani said the postponeme­nt of the parliament­ary programme would afford MPs of all political parties, through their constituen­cy offices, an opportunit­y to interact with communitie­s and work with various stakeholde­rs to discourage the violence and mobilise communitie­s against xenophobia.

Parliament will also establish a multiparty committee which will visit areas identified as hot-spots for attacks against foreign nationals to investigat­e causes and recommend measures to avoid the recurrence of such incidents.

“As a supreme representa­tive body of the South African people, parliament cannot continue as business as usual when the nation is confronted with a situation which threatens to tarnish our image as a peaceful and welcoming country in the eyes of the internatio­nal community, ” Sizani said.

He said a number of MPs had been on the ground in affected areas participat­ing in various initiative­s to arrest the situation and bring about stability.

“We would therefore like to see such work continuing in all constituen­cies across the length and breadth of the country. MPs even in unaffected provinces should interact with communitie­s through various channels to promote message of peace, human solidarity and fraternity amongst Africans.”

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