

- Victor Mecoamere

VETERAN actor Jerry Mofokeng has the uncanny knack of writing as he speaks: descriptiv­ely with lots of drama, vivid illustrati­ons and an unabashed frankness.

In his easy-to-read and use manual, aptly titled In

Love & Intimate, Mofokeng effortless­ly articulate­s his thoughts and opinions about marriage, intimacy, mutual respect or the ideal ingredient­s for a perfect marriage.

Using himself – and his wife Claudine and their marriage of 35 years – as an example, as well as the various life lessons they have learnt along the way, Mofokeng replicates most of the things the couple has learnt.

They are also marriage counsellor­s and coaches.

True to his Christian upbringing, Mofokengs ’ narrative is replete with Biblical illustrati­ons.

These are adequately supported by other common or real-life examples.

Most of these examples are based on the couple ’ s unique experience­s which are juxtaposed with the things they did to overcome the problems they encountere­d.

Mofokeng and his supportive wife also guide and teach readers the basics that they might have missed after falling in love, getting married and allowing complacenc­y to over- whelm them. Mofokeng says such situations normally force a couple to endure a loveless marriage.

The Mofokengs advise couples to gently keep nudging each other in the right direction.

They also advisce couples to do a number of things together like just hugging each other and cuddling without expecting anything, or sitting outside and counting the stars or analysing the moon ’ s various shapes.

They say couples must not only be married lovers, but a functional, married couple that is dutifully raising kids and running a family.

They say those among us who are prepared to learn afresh the game of love – loving and being loved – ought to give In Love &

Intimate a chance.

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