
How to keep toes and feet in top shape


- Karabo Disethle

WE ALL take time out to take care of our faces with a bathroom full of facial products. We visit hair salons regularly to ensure that our hair is on point, and we even get pedicures to make our nails look cute.

But among the most neglected areas of our bodies are our feet and toes.

For most people, paying attention to their feet and toes is a fruitless exercise as only a daily bath is deemed sufficient.

But what can we do to ensure that our feet and toes are maintained properly?

For this, we spoke to the owner of Cocoon Butterfly Health Spa, Thuli Kobue, who says that feet and toes are among the most sensitive areas in our bodies, and taking care of them is vital.

“Feet tend to get dirtier and sweatier than other parts of the body, so it’s important to have good sanitary habits,” she says.

Moisturise your feet after washing.

We moisturise our faces daily, but did you know that moisturisi­ng your feet daily is also essential? According to Kobue, it is one of the things you should do to get soft, silky feet.

“Put lotion or foot cream on as a part of your daily routine. To get soft, moisturise­d feet, put on some lotion or vaseline before bed, and slip on some socks. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll find that your feet are very soft and are no longer dry. Just remember to never let the area between your toes become over-moisturise­d, as this will cause fungus.”

Wear the right shoes for the occasion.

For most people, picking out what shoe to wear is purely for aesthetic reasons, and much considerat­ion goes into whether the shoe matches the outfit, but never about comfort.

Kobue says comfort of a shoe is a key to having healthy feet.

“Your feet will stay healthy if you wear proper shoes that were made to keep your feet clean, dry and at a comfortabl­e temperatur­e.

“In summer, avoid closed shoes as you could end up with a bad odour or a fungal infection.

“In winter wear shoes that keep your feet warm and socks to avoid dry feet.” Get rid of odours. Nothing is more mortifying than stinky feet. Kobue says there are ways to get rid of odours.

“Feet produce more sweat than the rest of the body and tend to harbour bacteria that creates a bad smell.

“You can change your socks when they get damp from sweat, clean your shoes and wear them with socks every time you wear them or you can try and sprinkle foot powder or baby powder in your shoes before you put them on.”

Cut your toenails properly. Most people do not even think twice about whether they are using a nail clipper properly, and proceed to chop away. According to Kobue, start paying close attention to how you cut your toenails from now on.

“Cutting them the wrong way can result in ingrown toenails, which can be painful.

“Cut them straight across, rather than cutting the edges into a curve and use a nail file to smooth out the ridges and to give the edges a bit of a curve.

“You should also avoid cutting them too short, since this too could result in ingrown toenails or an infection.”

Pamper your feet, they deserve it. “Pamper your feet with a pedicure every two weeks, ” says Kobue.

“Regular pedicures really make a difference in keeping your feet soft and free from dry and rough skin, and your toenails clean and neat.

“Pamper your feet with a luxurious pedicure from a day spa where your feet will be soaked to hydrate your hardened skin, followed by a foot scrub to exfoliate your skin and if you have hardened skin, a foot file will be used to soften your skin, followed by a relaxing massage and moisturise­r to keep your feet moist and smooth. They will then finish off with a nail colour of your choice,” she says.

 ?? PHOTO: HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP ?? DARING: A model presents a creation by Gordana Gehlhausen at Haiti Fashion Week in Port-au-Prince on Saturday Here are a few tips from Kobue on how to take care of your feet and toes.
PHOTO: HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP DARING: A model presents a creation by Gordana Gehlhausen at Haiti Fashion Week in Port-au-Prince on Saturday Here are a few tips from Kobue on how to take care of your feet and toes.
 ??  ?? ON THE BALL: Thulisile Kobue
ON THE BALL: Thulisile Kobue

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