
Bob Mabena’s wedding tears

- Bonginkosi Tiwane

HIS brother couldn ’ t attend his wedding two weeks ago after he underwent surgery to remove a brain tumour, but Bob Mabena ’ s family has come out of the ordeal stronger.

The Kaya FM deejay credits constant prayer for the success of the surgery on his elder brother Victor, who was admitted to the George Mukhari hospital north of Pretoria following a car accident last year.

“Two weeks before the wedding there were plans that he was going to make it to the wedding but the dates were moved again, so he ended up not coming,” Bob told Sowetan.

“The tumour was the size of a peach. But it was a struggle finding space for him to be operated on. We ’ ve been waiting since last year to get his surgery done, but thank God for the prayers that pulled us through as a family.”

In his absence, a letter written by Victor was read by Bob ’ s children at the reception.

Bob, 46, said after the letter was read he couldn ’ t handle all the emotion. “I just broke down and cried after they read the letter. I couldn ’ t handle the moment. It got so bad that I had to be taken away just so I could be fine. I was feeling quite emotional because it ’ s just me and him left.

“Our parents died and our other sibling died when I was 11. Having him (Victor) there would have been the best present of my wedding day,” he said.

In an awkward and emotional moment, radio colleague Thabo “T-bose ” Mokwele stood up and prayed.

“’ Im a serious believer in prayer and my wedding was the best thing ever, but what T-bose did was great. He gave the most moving prayer in Pedi,” said Bob.

Mokwele said he doesn ’ t know what got over him, but he allowed the spirit to take over.

“It was really awkward because we all didn ’ t know what to do, the bride and groom were both crying. But I just took the microphone and told people that we needed to pray.”

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