
Racism can only be nipped at the source

- Bonginkosi “Nogwaja” Ndlela, Ntuzuma

MMUSI Maimane needs to understand that racism is a psychologi­cal phenomenon that cannot be dealt with by taking meaningles­s oaths.

In order to truly address the problem of racism, we need to revisit the socialisin­g agents that purport to say that whites are intellectu­ally, morally and socially superior to other races.

At least now, Maimane is acknowledg­ing that the Democratic Alliance is a refuge for white supremacis­ts and racists that parade black leaders, like Maimane himself, for political expedience.

The mere fact that we don’t see them at events of national importance like Freedom Day celebratio­ns, only to see them in large numbers at campaigns like #ZumaMustFa­ll, says a lot.

Charity begins at home. For us to totally rid ourselves of racism, be it structural or otherwise, we need to teach our young ones about equality, respect and tolerance – something I don’t think Penny Sparrow and other like-minded bigots and apartheid apologists are able to do.

We cannot allow utterances of delusional racists like Sparrow to reverse our sociopolit­ical gains.

Maimane, obviously for political reasons and in an attempt to save the image of his party, says he does not want any racists in the DA, and that he neither wants their votes.

As a patriot and a right-thinking South African, I say I don’t want any racists in my beloved country.

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