
Your Stars


ARIES: March 21 – April 21 Watch out because you have arrived at a tricky juncture in a troublesom­e matter. A base individual might try to bring you down by inferring that you have said or done something of which you are not guilty. Leap to your own defence. PHONE: 083-914-0501 SMS: ARI to 34703

TAURUS: April 21 – May 21 Create an aura of peace and purity about you by studying the writings of the great teachers. You can now get into a splendid spiritual mode; thereby filling yourself with virtue and making yourself receptive to heavenly influences. PHONE: 083-914-0502 SMS: TAU to 34703

GEMINI: May 21 – June 22 You are now much too independen­t. This attitude is liable to work against you and could severely retard progress. Right now you are actually far more prone to failure than you realise; and could easily launch faulty and costly moves. PHONE: 083-914-0503 SMS: GEM to 34703

CANCER: June 22 – July 23 Double trouble could plague you during this inharmonio­us period unless stringent actions are applied to personal interests and financial matters. Failure to do so could land you in great difficulty and short of vital cash resources. PHONE: 083-914-0504 SMS: CAN to 34703

LEO: July 23 – August 24 You must gather your wits fully about you because you will need to be at your best in order to outmanoeuv­re rather seasoned rivals. You yourself may be easily out-gunned if you lack the relevant informatio­n to support your arguments. PHONE: 083-914-0505 SMS: LEO to 34703

VIRGO: August 24 – September 23 Problems connected with relatives or colleagues are set to test your patience and resourcefu­lness to the full. Tread carefully where relationsh­ips are concerned; especially reason logically and do not succumb to emotional blackmail. PHONE: 083-914-0506 SMS: VIR to 34703

LIBRA: September 23 – October 23 This is a negative cycle in which great expectatio­ns are hardly likely to pan out as far as matters of the heart are concerned. Speculativ­e ventures may be doomed as well. Think twice about putting your feelings and finances at risk. PHONE: 083-914-0507 SMS: LIB to 34703

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 23 Much hangs on your health and the wellbeing of people with whom you are associated. You and your companions must be fit and energetic; need to function at full throttle in order to post worthy success during a rather dicey spell. PHONE: 083-914-0508 SMS: SCO to 34703

SAGITTARIU­S: November 23 – December 22 You may have valid reasons to frown on another person's idea or method, might feel that your notions are much better, yet must not show your disapprova­l in a manner which is wholly discouragi­ng. Rather weigh in with friendly counsel. PHONE: 083-914-0509 SMS: SAG to 34703

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 21 It would be nice if you could simply wash away yesterday's mistakes. However, it seems that you will have to face up to them instead. Try not make any more blunders otherwise you will really get yourself into a very sticky situation. PHONE: 083-914-0510 SMS: CAP to 34703

AQUARIUS: January 21 – February 20 It is a truism that there is less difficulty in dealing with the bigger issue when you are careful in attending to the finer details pertaining thereto. If you take risks, you should be careful to eliminate as much danger as possible. PHONE: 083-914-0511 SMS: AQU to 34703

PISCES: February 20 – March 21 There appears to be an urgent need for self-regenerati­on within your business realm. You really do need to move up a gear or two at this point. Do not rely on others for assistance; rather make better uses of your own splendid talents. PHONE: 083-914-0512 SMS: PIS to 34703

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