
A letter to Madiba

- Moipone Malefane

NELSON Mandela proved himself a servant leader of distinctio­n.

This is according to Mandela’s former Robben Island fellow inmate and co-accused in the infamous Rivonia trial Andrew Mlangeni.

In rememberin­g Madiba as the world celebrates Mandela Day today, Mlangeni said not only was July 18 cherished as a birthday of an unforgetta­ble soul to grace the seat of our country’s founding democracy but that the day is inexhausti­ble worldwide and synonymous with giving as well as serving others.

He recalled that Mandela was someone the country and its people waited for 27 years to be the first president of the democratic Republic of SA.

“Madiba remains a book from whose pages the lessons of leadership can be read, learnt and lived out in different spheres as well as respective stations of our working lives.

“The leadership lessons apply to organisati­ons, individual­s, groups and the free nations of the world that had looked up to Madiba as their very own. This is how we came to share him with the world. He belonged to us, and he, to the world,” Mlangeni said.

He added that since the United Nations declared July 18 as Internatio­nal Mandela Day in November 2009, not only has the day helped to release compassion­ate global energy but also set in motion a movement to do good and to reach out to those in less fortunate circumstan­ces. “I believe that as South Africans we were blessed to be gifted with an icon such as Mandela.

“The whole world is also blessed to share Mandela with us. The only thing we cannot [do is] to cry and sulk but to emulate all what Mandela fought and stood for.

“One form of paying a fitting tribute to Mandela would be to ensure that his legacy lives on for thousand years to come,” Mlangeni said.

Mandela’s granddaugh­ter Ndileka yesterday said it was almost three years since “you departed to join our ancestors Grandad. Oh , how I miss you”.

“I miss the days we used to spend just the two of us, sometimes without saying a word just enjoying each others company. I miss how during those times you would just extend your hand to touch mine as if to say it will be alright.”

She said today marked the day the Thembekile Mandela Foundation (TMF), would be joining hands with The Nelson Mandela Foundation in a community project in Soweto.

“The TMF, is continuing your legacy of uplifting rural communitie­s. I will be doing a reading from the walk to freedom, to disadvanta­ged kids,” Ndileka said as though she was speaking to Mandela.

He belonged to us, and he, to the world

 ?? PHOTO: SUNDAY TIMES ?? WALKING TALL: Nelson Mandela on his visit to Robben Island where he was once imprisoned
PHOTO: SUNDAY TIMES WALKING TALL: Nelson Mandela on his visit to Robben Island where he was once imprisoned
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