
Policies, not party, woo voters

- Anonymous,

IN RESPONSE to President Jacob Zuma’s statement about blacks voting for the DA, let me first tell him about how we vote.

Firstly, we vote because it is our democratic right as South African citizens. Most of us “clever blacks” no longer base our vote on the name of the party but we take into considerat­ion the party’s policies and the type of leadership it has.

All parties are good because parties cannot speak – it’s policy that speaks to us. What is the use of voting for the name “ANC” while the leadership of the party is illiterate, corrupt, practise nepotism, maladminis­tration and are killing each other for selfintere­st is the norm? They also believe that the party comes before the country.

We will vote for the DA because they have good policies for the economy and have capable leaders to implement such policies.

We will vote for the DA because its track record in Western Cape and Midvaal is much better compared to many local municipali­ties and provinces under the ANC of Jacob Zuma’s leadership.

We will vote for the DA because the leadership is not captured by the Guptas; the leader of DA does not have corruption cases to answer, the DA leader does not live in Nkandla, which wasted our taxes; the leader is not mum about SABC’s Hlaudi Motsoeneng’s Grade 8 qualificat­ion. He also did not kill miners at Marikana.

The DA is the one trying to safeguard the integrity of the National Prosecutin­g Authority; the DA does not compromise media freedom; the DA leader does not violate Chapter 9 institutio­ns and the oath of office. Wakeup Mr Zuma, it is no longer about the party but the type of leadership and the ability to lead. It is no longer about a person but the nation.

 ?? PHOTO: ANTONIO MUCHAVE ?? OUT-OF-TOUCH? Jacob Zuma has been slammed for berating blacks who vote for DA
PHOTO: ANTONIO MUCHAVE OUT-OF-TOUCH? Jacob Zuma has been slammed for berating blacks who vote for DA

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