


Serves: 4 Time: 140 minutes + extra for setting.


4 pig’s trotters 4 lemon grass sticks 8 garlic cloves 4 sprigs thyme 100ml beef stock 2 carrots, peeled and finely diced 2 celery sticks, washed and finely diced 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups flour 2 egg yolks, whisked with a little water 2 cups bread crumbs Oil for deep frying


Into a pressure cooker place trotters, beef stock, lemon grass, garlic cloves and thyme sprigs.

Cook for 30-45 minutes until meat is falling off the bone.

Remove from the cooker and set aside, reserving a little of the cooking liquid. Once cool remove trotter flesh from the bones and finely dice.

In a pan gently sauté celery and carrots in olive oil for 2-3 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper and add trotter meat and reserved liquid.

Cover the sides and bottoms of a bread tin with clingwrap and pour trotter mixture into the tin.

Cover the tin and place in the fridge to set. Once set, remove from the fridge and cut into cubes.

In three separate bowls place the flour, eggs and breadcrumb­s.

Then roll cubes in flour, dip in egg and then into breadcrumb­s. Then repeat flour, egg and breadcrumb­s and set aside. Repeat until all squares have been double coated.

Place in the fridge uncovered for 30 minutes. Heat oil. Remove cubes from the fridge and deep fry until golden brown.

Serve with garlic mayo dip.

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