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On Brian Molefe

IT IS going to take Brian Molefe’s deployment to Treasury to mess South Africa up. Why is Jacob Zuma so quiet about this debacle?

– George Modise

OPPOSITION parties must give the ANC big applause for creating a post for Brian Molefe. It helps to understand how powerful the Gupta family is and how weak Cyril Ramaphosa, Gwede Mantashe and Zweli Mkhize’s faction is. How do we expect government to release findings on selling of posts by Sadtu when you have such a zero-honourable Molefe as an MP? Well done Luthuli House for giving opposition something to campaign about. When it comes to fighting against corruption, do not trust Mantashe and Zizi Kodwa.

– Gent Lubisi

On ANC looters

THE major troublemak­ers in the ANC are the vultures who want to loot our country’s scarce resources at all cost. Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan is doing a good job but these vultures want him to go away.

– Anonymous

On pupil placements

PANYAZA Lesufi must hang his head in shame because he failed some learners by denying them places in school. He is a principal, registrar, circuit manager, district manager, head of department, spokespers­on, and everything in the Gauteng department of education.

Can Lesufi explain why teenager Leshe Meyers is only going to attend school during the second week of February? Would he agree that he is the only one who failed this child? How would he feel if someone read him the riot act? Panyaza Lesufi must learn to delegate to his assistants.

– Matlhare Mahapa, Temba

On taxation

I DON’T know of any other country in the world that taxes its citizens like South Africa does. Soon there will be oxygen, salt, rain, toilet or even life taxes.

– Anonymous

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