
Holy cow, please lose the Afrocentri­c headgear, dear

- Maditaba

Madi does not really like her time wasted, waitse.

At the weekend she spent 30 minutes of her life that she will never get back at a venue called Tavern in Maponya Mall.

Some Caucasian house music muso by the name of Holly was kickstarti­ng her South African tour and boy, Madi’s mouth was agape the entire time.

Fine, she has a cute voice, but what was with the “I’m an African” regalia, Holly? Honey, the only person with blonde hair who pulled that off was PJ Powers yapping on about “Jabulani”.

Sorry, love, but when it came to you, Madi did not jabula, so she made a quick dash as she started to feel nausea rising.

Good luck with the tour and feathered headgear, dearest.

Thereafter Madi made her way to downtown Joburg to the Urban Zulu Fashion Week event, and had a great time.

Urban Zulu has amazing clothes, and Madi was in heaven – some of the featured designers though, not so much. Ralf and Red Soil, someone needs to drag you back to sewing school with your tongue!

Anyway, Micasa was supposed to perform, but the rain put a damper on things, literally, and they cancelled.

Madi said a silent prayer of gratitude because looking at band member Dr Duda’s man boobs, the rain would have turned the performanc­e into a wet T-shirt contest. Abuti, please wear a sportsbra for those triple Ds.

Brian Temba’s ex Lungi Naidoo needs to have several seats. Sweety nobody knows you, so making people sing you happy birthday was a bit reminiscen­t of the poor Spur waiters forced to do it everyday.

The highlight for the night was actor Thato Molamu. The boy is still as cute as ever. Madi is happy that allegedly dating a woman who was in her 50s when you were born did not age you much. Great seeing you, hun.

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Holly’s Tavern safari
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