
Things to look for before saying ‘I do’


Psychologi­st Sthembile Mkhize looks at aspects one would need to look into before taking a leap of faith into marriage.

● Your partner’s personalit­y. Sometimes there is a clash of personalit­ies, which doesn’t mean two people individual­ly have horrible personalit­ies, but together they just do not work.

● Their finances. Are they responsibl­e with money? What is their credit score? Can they afford to build a family? Don’t think it is shallow of you to want to know these. A spouse’s bad credit or recklessne­ss with money can make for a miserable existence.

● Do they want to have children? Are they good with kids?

Some people automatica­lly assume that being married means that their partner wants to have children, and it can be a complete shock when they find out that they don’t. This is a conversati­on to have before even popping the question.

● Their criminal history. Do they have a criminal record? Did they have a stint in jail? If yes, for what crime? Past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour, so make sure if your partner has some past discrepanc­ies, that they are rehabilita­ted.

● How do they handle their liquor? This may sound petty, but it is not. Some people turn into a demonised version of themselves when they drink.

● What are their family values? This is not to say that people from broken families do not make for good spouses, but what are their interactio­ns with their parents? Are they respectful? Studies show that people who do not respect their parents are less likely to respect anyone else.

● Are they prone to cheating? Are they renowned cheaters?

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