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Witch-hunt a sign of fear

If President Jacob Zuma is not worried about the May Day incident, why is the ANC still blaming Cosatu, and why is Free State premier Ace Magashule on a witch-hunt for his master’s hecklers? – Anonymous

Mbeki knows JZ’s character

Thabo Mbeki has known Jacob Zuma for the past 30 years, in fact they were friends in exile. Yet Mbeki didn’t trust Zuma to be president of the ANC, let alone of the country, because he knows Zuma better – D Mogale

WEF just a talk shop

What has changed on the African continent since the last World Economic Forum was held? Nothing. We are still hearing the same rhetoric as if the African economy started last year. – Anonymous

Mashele is on point

Prince Mashele, your column on Monday April 3 2017 touched my heart. Our country is more important than any political party. – Ntshienyan­e Lekubu

Hands off Ramaphosa!

ANCL, please back off Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, he is our future president – Anonymous

Zuma, ANCYL dividing ANC

I wonder if the ANCYL and Jacob Zuma’s backers have brains. They accuse others of dividing the ANC whereas it’s their utterings that are very divisive – Anonymous

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