
Are we free when some of us are so dom?

- Vera

Evidence galore

There have been reports, mainly on social media, that suggest there is Evidence that a few decades ago, a Zimbabwean priest made his way down south, with or without the Knowledge that one of his scions – only about five years old at the time – would one day be a powerful politician with designs on the presidency of the country.

Vera doesn’t know what to make of this but understand­s why some countries have laws that rule out those born non-citizens from becoming president.

It is the norm almost everywhere. The president of Mzansi can’t be anything but 100% South African.

Let them be schooled

Vera reckons the presidency of one Jacob Zuma has taught us valuable lessons. Would anyone be disagreeab­le to the idea that a requiremen­t of being an MP be a degree as is done in Kenya – if a president is to be chosen from this lot? I doubt it.

Now look where we are. Undisputed allegation­s from that flood of e-mails say our man has sold the citizenshi­p of the country to his real masters in Saxonwold.

Mock battles

There’s something about august days such as June 16 that bring out the worst or best in some of us.

South Africans rightly commemorat­e the day which no doubt brought forward our liberation, but Vera recommends some caution when it comes to claims from those who say they played a part in freeing us.

Vera was shocked as she listened to one such fellow on JJ’s show the other night.

War cry

It was a tragicomed­y of unequalled proportion­s. Our man claimed he had fought for freedom. Radio has never been that chaotic.

They played “his” music. Vera uses inverted commas because he is referring to mzabalazo songs, for which no one in their right mind would claim copyright.

Our hero recorded some of those in the 1990s, long after Mandela’s release, when it was safe to do so. Brave warrior!

One-man Gupta Defence Force

True to form, today he stands in defence of the looters of Saxonwold, with all the quasi-revolution­ary gusto he can muster into a mic.

Singing for his plate

But there is a real history to our hero. You see, by the mid-1980s the apartheid tapestry was falling apart and the regime was dreaming up tricks to keep it together. One of those included a propaganda song about unity, and who did they find to sing it? None other than our latterday revolution­ary. And boy did he sing his lungs out for baas!

Namba Bard fan Wan

Then came June 16 itself and boy were we treated to even taller tales. Namba Wan appeared before thousands of kids, and adults in uniform. After he was booed, he got into his groove but got a little too excited. El Presidente declared that he too had read Shakespear­e, even threatenin­g to quote The Bard.

Over before it’s over

But all that our great scholar could come up with was She shouldn’t have bothered because all our great scholar could muster was “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him” and... dololo more. It was over long before it started!

Rewriting HIStory

Ever wondered what happened to Namba Wan’s goal to have the Bible rewritten in Zulu? Vera was reminded of the venture after one of his disciples made another attempt to defend the Zuptas.

Not quite the second coming

Be on the look out for the Book of Nathi in Namba Wan’s bible. For him, everybody who is opposed to Namba Wan, is like Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus. This Nathi fella sees betrayal lurking everywhere. It may well explain what happened on August 3 2016, Jesus has been here all along!

 ??  ?? Blondie Makhene
Blondie Makhene
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