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Does Manyi have a taste for PR?

Mr Mzwanele Manyi, Bell Pottinger will soon be up for sale. Any takers? – Oupa

ANC lacks quality

As we get closer to the 54th Conference of the ANC, the question is: do we have quality cadres like the 1960s? It is our prerogativ­e to map a clear path and save the organisati­on. – BM

KZN killings coming to Jozi ...

The ANC said it would make the Western Cape “ungovernab­le”. The DA will learn how to govern SA. Joburg, Pretoria – it’s now their turn. Steal cables, burn trains, Rea Vaya busses and Uber killings. ANC will teach you a lesson, okay. KwaZulu-Natal killings for Gauteng soon! – Frank Bruno

PG rating for Ndlovu’s article

Kwanele Ndlovu, the unrestrain­ed honesty in your [September 5] article should have had an age warning on it. – Moses Carelse

City Power letting us down

Allowing Joburg CBD to go for a week without electricit­y is a serious problem. – Mandla ka Nyanda

Bafana’s loss Komphela’s gain

The ever disappoint­ing Bafana. It was a relief for Steve Komphela to see he’s not the only loser. – AM Mvila

Safa reaping what it sowed

Both Bafana coach Stuart Baxter and his assistant Quinton Fortune never applied for the jobs they currently hold. That says a lot about Safa. – Mandla ka Nyanda

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