
The jigsaw puzzle of the post-Mugabe era

Political pundits point at likely key players in the expected Zim settlement


Assuming that President Robert Mugabe steps down, the following are likely to be key players in the expected settlement, according to political sources in Zimbabwe, South Africa and several years of Zimbabwean intelligen­ce documents seen by Reuters:


(Likely president) – A lifelong Mugabe aide and 1970s liberation war veteran known as “The Crocodile”, Mnangagwa, 75, was in the pole position to succeed Mugabe until his progress was impeded by the political ascent of Mugabe’s wife, Grace.

His sacking as vice-president intended to clear a path for Grace to the presidency and appears to have been the trigger for the army to step in to advance its preferred successor.


– A former union leader who founded the Movement for Democratic Change in the late 1990s, Tsvangirai, 65, has been Mugabe’s main political rival for two decades.


Tsvangirai has been undergoing treatment for cancer outside Zimbabwe, but returned to Harare on Wednesday.

– As the military chief who engineered the coup, Chiwenga is expected to win a senior role in the interim administra­tion.

Chiwenga, 61, was sanctioned by the US and EU although the EU removed him from its list of in 2014.


– A liberation war veteran with the nom de guerre “Spill Blood”, Mujuru, 62, formed her own political party after being ousted as vice-president in 2014.


– Moscow-trained Dabengwa, 77, nicknamed “The Black Russian”, fought in the 1970s anticoloni­al struggle for Zipra (Zimbabwe People’s Liberation Army), a rival to Mugabe’s Zanla (Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army).

His incorporat­ion in any unity government would ensure it represente­d both wings of the liberation struggle.


– Biti, 51, won accolades as finance minister in the 2009/13 government that stabilised the economy.

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