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Nothing will change in Zim

The hullabaloo by Zimbabwean­s following Robert Mugabe’s resignatio­n defies logic, because it’s like a prostitute changing a dress. The dress may be new or different but the person remains the same. – Mandla ka Nyanda

Jacob Zuma is a hypocrite

President Jacob Zuma is not a friend to anybody. Don’t ever trust him. He uses people and then spit them out after achieving his goals. Ask Julius Malema, Zwelinzima Vavi and Blade Nzimande. – Anonymous

SA president is next in line

Now that Zimbabwean­s have removed dictator Robert Mugabe from office, come January, South Africans will also push President Jacob Zuma out of Mahlamba Ndlopfu and confine him to Nkandla. – Oriah Choshane

‘Idols’ not the end of the world

To Idols SA loser Mthokozisi Ndaba, stay strong and allow your tears to flow. You will come out taller, stronger and a better person. Read the book of Job in the Bible at least once a year. – Moses Carelse, Kimberley

African leaders untrustwor­thy

African countries commit the same error. After gaining freedom, they believe their leaders will take their countries forward. Instead, most of these revolution­aries turn into villains and despots. – Peter Sibanyoni, Tshwane

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