
Poverty is no excuse for failing in life


Most of us have adopted a very bad tendency of blaming our poor background­s for not making it in life.

We forget that our background­s have nothing to do with the choices we make; they don’t define who and what we are and what we want to achieve in our lives.

l know of many successful people who triumphed over adversity and made it in life despite growing up as orphans in difficult circumstan­ces and in poverty-stricken environmen­ts.

Growing up without biological parents is a mammoth task on its own and an unpleasant experience, and l wouldn’t wish it on any kid, even on my sworn worst enemy. Those who are lucky enough are helped by relatives but don’t receive the same love, treatment and the best things in life as their parents would give them.

Life’s ups and downs mustn’t be viewed as problems but rather as challenges that need to be tackled head-on. Life is like a wheelbarro­w as it needs to be pushed in order for it to move.

Life has never been easy, otherwise it would be dead boring. Life is never a bed of roses or a walk in the park. It’s all about your never-say-die attitude and a winning formula and mentality.

Only when your mind conceives it, your heart believes and your body says yes l can, will success be imminent.

Being born poor is no excuse, it is not something to be ashamed of, but being ashamed of it is. Don’t let your poor background determine your destiny.

Nelson Mandela once said: “It always seem impossible until it’s done.” McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla

Halfway House

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