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Villages also need services

We need services in our villages but parliament is going to use millions of rands on security to protect spoons, forks and plates during the state of the nation address by the president. – Oriah Choshane

Cracks in ANC top 6 opening

The cracks in ANC’s national executive are starting to show. The elective conference made a big mistake with secretaryg­eneral Ace Magashule and his deputy Jessie Duarte. They are causing divisions. –Anonymous

Zuma backers support crime

Those who say Jacob Zuma must stay as the president of the country are supporting crime. Some of these people are part of corrupt activities Zuma is accused of. – Alfred Phaleng, Makgofe Village

Time is key, respect it

Time waits for no man and that fact must be respected, to avoid chaos and disorder in the world . Guard against procrastin­ation as it is the thief of time. It’s all up to you how you manage your time, you are the driver of your plans; use time profitably. – McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla

Unity not crucial to all in ANC

It did not even take two months for the fake unity of the ANC to crumble. What Ramaphosa does not realise is some members don’t care about unity. – Anonymous

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