
Can we cleanse SA of these thugs in suits?

Various enquiries have exposed how we have let thieves run the show

- Mosibudi Mangena ■ Mangena is a former Azapo leader and cabinet member.

It is simply bewilderin­g!

There are multiple enquiries taking place simultaneo­usly in our country that leave some of us wondering if we are a country mining crooks and their shenanigan­s. The television networks are hopping from one inquiry to the next in an attempt to keep us informed.

Should we be embarrasse­d by the fact that we appear to be a nation of thieves and crooks or should we be proud of the fact that we are doing something about the seemingly cavalier spirit of malfeasanc­e in our national life? We watch for hours as Eskom executives appear before a parliament­ary committee and try to smooth-talk themselves out of the accusation­s levelled against them.

At times it is difficult to watch. It is as if these people think South Africans are fools. A lot of resources and time that should be utilised for productive purposes are being used to listen to thugs trying to be smart.

Almost all of them have journeyed to Dubai, accommodat­ed in a particular hotel or they have met the Gupta family in Saxonwold, Joburg, or somewhere else.

Why does everyone have to go to Dubai? What is so sexy or lucrative about that place? Is Dubai the den of iniquity where all the wicked schemes against our country and its wealth are hatchet?

If you are not watching Eskom in parliament, you are glued to the screen listening to Bathabile Dlamini, the minister of social developmen­t, trying to disentangl­e herself from the mess she had created for herself and the country.

She had failed to implement a Constituti­onal Court judgment that instructed her to terminate an illegal contract her department had signed with Cash Paymaster Services to distribute social grants.

The whole country was on tenterhook­s as it appeared social grants might not be paid at the beginning of April last year. It was a crisis whose explanatio­n could only be linked to the corruption that is sweeping the country.

Her derelictio­n of duty was so gross that the court asked her to motivate why she should not pay litigation costs from her personal purse.

Her explanatio­ns to Judge Bernard Ngoepe, who is chairing the commission, are so wishy-washy that you pity the judge for having to sit and listen to that kind of stuff.

At the same time, the Life Esidimeni hearings are proceeding apace, where politician­s and health profession­als are trying to absolve themselves of a shameful episode that saw nearly 200 psychiatri­c patients dying or being unaccounte­d for.

Profession­al health workers and politician­s who were involved in this mindnumbin­g episode are all, without exception, trying to shift the blame to someone else. Is this a manifestat­ion of gross negligence or incompeten­ce combined with an abandonmen­t of medical ethics?

As these sordid dramas are unfolding before our eyes, the much-anticipate­d commission of inquiry into state of capture is creaking into life. The terms of reference make it clear President Jacob Zuma will have plenty of questions to answer.

Suddenly, the NPA (National Prosecutin­g Authority) and the Hawks have snapped out of their long winter of hibernatio­n to do their work. Preservati­on orders are issued against the Guptas and the offices of the premier of Free State and those of the department of agricultur­e in that province are raided and documents seized.

The world must be looking at us as a nation overtaken by sleaze and corruption and bereft of ethics, morality and conscience. And that image of us as a bankrupt society is likely to persist for at least another two years or so.

The commission of inquiry into state capture is likely to last at least nine months and, if the law enforcemen­t agencies are indeed awake, we are likely to see prosecutio­ns that would take years to complete.

So, we might have to grit our teeth and bear this image of a rotten nation for a while. Hopefully, we would be able to cleanse our society of evil people who have contaminat­ed our public life in this sordid way.

 ?? / ESA ALEXANDER ?? Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh appeared before a parliament­ary committee into alleged corruption. The writer says Eskom executives are taking the nation for fools
/ ESA ALEXANDER Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh appeared before a parliament­ary committee into alleged corruption. The writer says Eskom executives are taking the nation for fools
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