
Forgotten Chuene back in spotlight

Ex-ASA boss to testify at Zulman inquiry

- By Daniel Mothowagae

In an ironic twist, disgraced former Athletics SA (ASA) president Leonard Chuene will re-emerge on the public stage when he testifies before the Zulman Commission of Inquiry at Ellis Park today.

He will appear alongside SA Sports Confederat­ion and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president Gideon Sam, the man who condemned Chuene to the sport’s scrapheap for his role in the handling of Caster Semenya’s gender verificati­on debacle that followed the 2009 IAAF World Championsh­ips.

Chuene’s appearance on the closing day of the inquiry coincides with the expiry of his seven-year ban from sport by Sascoc – which lapsed last month – and his submission could impact on the fate of the under-fire Sam.

Chuene told Sowetan yesterday that he felt absolved by the establishm­ent of the inquiry into theOlympic governing body.

“I feel very much exonerated. I applaud the former sport minister Thulas Nxesi for establishi­ng this inquiry which, hopefully, won’t be another waste of money and resources,” said Chuene, adding that he’s appearing on his own volition.

“The history between ASA and Sascoc is well-documented. I am not going to bash Sascocbefo­re the commission. The people who testified before me have spoken and what they said was a true reflection of the chaotic state at Sascoc. My submission is more about how we should take our sport forward.”

Another former ASA president James Evans and ex-general manager Molatelo Malehopo have laid the foundation for Chuene. Though Evans was instrument­al in the removal of Chuene from athletics, he reserved some praise for Chuene.

 ??  ?? Leonard Chuene says that he feels exonerated.
Leonard Chuene says that he feels exonerated.

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