
Your Stars


Aries March 21 — April 19

This is a rather unfortunat­e time to get financiall­y in tow with close family members, and especially with your in-laws, because whatever can go wrong will go awry. Moreover, do not allow them to have access to your prized possession­s. (PHONE 083 9140 501) (sms ARI to 34703)

Taurus April 20 — May 20

You are not here to win prizes this time around. Your main concern is to survive a string of upsets and annoyances. You need to be at your mental best so as to outwit shifty types; of whom you seem destined to encounter quite a few. (PHONE 083 9140 502) (sms TAU to 34703)

Gemini May 21 — June 20

You may be more involved with the affairs of others than with your own fortunes. Relatives and friends, who seem to have more worries than usual, are apt to look to you for advice and assistance. Their demands could drain you badly

(PHONE 083 9140 503) (sms GEM to 34703)

Cancer June 21 — July 22

Circumstan­ces are now inclined to be deplorable and you must focus on being a survivor. Cultivate confidence and a fighting spirit because you must project toughness. You will shortly be in position to renew your ambitions and hopes. (PHONE 083 9140 504) (sms CAN to 34703)

Leo July 23 — Aug 22

Guard against putting yourself in a trance by getting too deeply engrossed in your own desires and dreams. You must be practical and methodical to the core in order to carve meaningful success out of this difficult and tricky period. (PHONE 083 9140 505) (sms LEO to 34703)

Virgo Aug 23 — Sep 22

You are likely to get your comeuppanc­e at this point, supposing you have been unreasonab­le. Self-centred behaviour could put you in disfavour with a lot of people; including those who could otherwise help you achieve a cherished aim. (PHONE 083 9140 506) (sms VIR to 34703)

Libra Sep 23 — Oct 22

A time when you are likely to be stung by hidden costs, so be very careful if you intend doing any deals. You may now possibly outsmart yourself, and could end up sending good money after bad money. Guard against being shortchang­ed.

(PHONE 083 9140 507) (sms LIB to 34703)

Scorpio Oct 23 — Nov 21

A spell in which memories hamper rather than help you. Your thoughts and actions might be influenced by a childhood experience that has a rather adverse influence on your imaginatio­n. Perhaps you should discuss it with a companion. (PHONE 083 9140 508) (sms SCO to 34703)

Sagittariu­s Nov 22 — Dec 21

You may be inclined to fiddle at the edge of a vital domestic matter when you really should be dealing with the substance of the problem. You know that you must make a certain move so get on with it instead of again stopping yourself. (PHONE 083 9140 509) (sms SAG to 34703)

Capricorn Dec 22 — Jan 19

You may engineer your own undoing unless you resolve to be more guarded about your ambition. Frankness will allow others to steal a march on you. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security, as you will later rue such gullibilit­y. (PHONE 083 9140 510) (sms CAP to 34703)

Aquarius Jan 20 — Feb 18

A time to start cultivatin­g a new philosophy as far as your eating and drinking habits go. Stop filling up your eager stomach with the usual quick fixes. Such expedients are bad for your constituti­on. Learn about correct nutrition. (PHONE 083 9140 511) (sms AQU to 34703)

Pisces Feb 19 — Mar 20

Escape from your state of self-involvemen­t before it destroys your valued relationsh­ips. Be a good listener so as to become a good communicat­or and estimable ally yet again. It will pay you to be wholly non-judgmental and patient. (PHONE 083 9140 512) (sms PIS to 34703)

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