
Your Stars


Aries March 21 — April 19

Go for bold gambits because this is a favoured ambit for making a wish or two come true. Have faith in your ability. At the very least, you can successful­ly prepare the way for realising a certain aspiration not too far down the line. (PHONE 083 9140 501) (sms ARI to 34703)

Taurus April 20 — May 20

Business-wise, this is a good cycle for developing new ideas. Wind yourself up with creative thinking and constructi­ve planning. Demonstrat­e your leadership qualities. Your selfconfid­ence will expand with each new commercial success. (PHONE 083 9140 502) (sms TAU to 34703)

Gemini May 21 — June 20

Supposing your energy needs to be recharged, slow down a bit and delegate assignment­s to reliable companions. Some will be keen to pitch in; and eager to stress their worth. You might enjoy getting results while taking life easier. (PHONE 083 9140 503) (sms GEM to 34703)

Cancer June 21 — July 22

Set time aside for earnest brainstorm­ing since the exercise will clarify your problems and reveal the answers. Confidentl­y and purposeful­ly pursue the inner guidance derived from musing. A lesson from the past proves useful once more. (PHONE 083 9140 504) (sms CAN to 34703)

Leo July 23 — Aug 22

This is an auspicious ambit for making long-term plans. Bring your imaginatio­n into play as it will arouse your initiative. You are ready to try almost anything in order to get ahead, yet should pick and choose your actions carefully. (PHONE 083 9140 505) (sms LEO to 34703)

Virgo Aug 23 — Sep 22

Cultivate a studious manner as it is desirable to be wellinform­ed if you intend becoming a vital factor within your environmen­t. You must be fully attentive when influentia­l individual­s speak because you can learn a lot from them. (PHONE 083 9140 506) (sms VIR to 34703)

Libra Sep 23 — Oct 22

You may anticipate experienci­ng more success career-wise, and savouring better fortunes socially. People now tend to befriend and support you; so the way is open for you to make your mark. Engineer worthy invitation­s and introducti­ons.

(PHONE 083 9140 507) (sms LIB to 34703)

Scorpio Oct 23 — Nov 21

This ought to be a significan­t period in your personal life. Plan carefully in order to keep on moving along a steady upward curve. Cleanse your mind of all negative thoughts. Cultivate and develop your mental and physical faculties. (PHONE 083 9140 508) (sms SCO to 34703)

Sagittariu­s Nov 22 — Dec 21

Do not fear anything and always have confidence in yourself and in your capability. You can carry out your aims successful­ly; can now overcome your difficulti­es and earn respect. Seize your chances and make the very best of them. (PHONE 083 9140 509) (sms SAG to 34703)

Capricorn Dec 22 — Jan 19

Where money is concerned, you are advised to live economical­ly in order to accumulate extra cash to invest in a promising scheme. You may do extremely well in speculatio­n provided you stick firmly to very carefully calculated gambles.

(PHONE 083 9140 510) (sms CAP to 34703)

Aquarius Jan 20 — Feb 18

Keenly observant and deeply intuitive, you are not about to miss a trick, have new concepts to try out and should manage to bring some of them to early fruition. Communicat­ion is highlighte­d in ways that offer you fresh opportunit­ies. (PHONE 083 9140 511) (sms AQU to 34703)

Pisces Feb 19 — Mar 20

It is your duty to set a good example for the next generation, your responsibi­lity to set the standard by which they must measure themselves. Think about that and plan accordingl­y. You will also reap grand returns in the meantime. (PHONE 083 9140 512) (sms PIS to 34703)

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