
Crossword 2907



1 Open-topped glass flask for serving wine or water (6) 4 Even though (6) 7 Having the stale smell or taste of butter when not fresh (6)

9 Hot under the _ (6)

10 First in a series of events; curtain-raiser (6)

13 In any case (6)

14 Trite (5)

15 Kill the _ that lays the golden eggs (5)

18 Lively, active and brisk (6) 19 Attack physically or verbally (3,3)

22 The outermost region of the sun’s atmosphere (6) 23 Pigment (6)

24 Get on one’s nerves (6) 25 Pointed tuftlike beard on the chin (6)


1 A small light cardboard box or container (6) 2 Ambit (5)

3 Go off the deep _ (3) 4 An angel of a greater than ordinary rank (9)

5 Male goat (5,4)

6 Past participle of throw (6) 8 Wrath (3)

11 Female goat (5,4)

12 A race in which sprinters pass a baton to teammates (5,4)

16 American word for dustbin (3,3)

17 A plural of hydra (6)

20 Self of an individual person (3)

21 A business serving as a respectabl­e cover for another (5)

23 The teeth on the rim of a gearwheel (3)

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