
Your Stars



March 21—April 21

One of your friendship­s could terminate abruptly, and this may involve a work colleague. You have been moving toward this decision and now the relationsh­ip draws to a close. A fascinatio­n with a new colleague could be in the making.

(PHONE 083 9140 501) (sms ARI to 34703)


April 21—May 21

It is an adverse ambit for travel and communicat­ion, so be extra alert. Beware of possible upsets that could emanate from tardiness, postponeme­nts or delays. Misunderst­andings tend to occur, with family, friends or business associates. (PHONE 083 9140 502) (sms TAU to 34703)


May 21 — June 22

Take care not to damage your good reputation by acting out of character. Apart from suddenly veering off at a surprising tangent, you may reveal other quirks that make you unpopular. Think twice before putting a good situation at risk.

(PHONE 083 9140 503) (sms GEM to 34703)


June 22 — July 23

This ambit has mixed trends which must be dealt with in detail, so as to know what to do and what not to do; not only in business but also when dealing with home and property matters. Re-read important correspond­ence for safety's sake. (PHONE 083 9140 504) (sms CAN to 34703)


July 23 — Aug 24

Be careful with what you say and write because misunderst­anding is rife, and a relationsh­ip or two could be sundered as a result. It is best not to make any judgements on vital issues just now - rather wait until the ambience improves. (PHONE 083 9140 505) (sms LEO to 34703)


Aug 24— Sep 23

Be prepared for an increase in emotional tension within your family circle. Be warned that a clash with someone of a different generation may be unavoidabl­e. Opposing principles and opinions make it hard to maintain harmony in your home. (PHONE 083 9140 506) (sms VIR to 34703)


Sep 2 3 — Oct 23

Adverse conditions could upset the plans that you have for this round. Because arrangemen­ts might not pan out as desired, you should have some back-up plans in reserve. People who are usually reliable could now be anything but helpful. (PHONE 083 9140 507) (sms LIB to 34703)


Oct23 — Nov 23

A strenuous session could take a toll on your vitality. Health problems could interfere with your schedule. You may not feel too good but let common sense prevail and then all should go well. Make this a short day and early evening. (PHONE 083 9140 508) (sms SCO to 34703)


Nov 2 3 —Dec 22

Take no chances as this is not a fortunate phase for risking your prestige and prospects. Delays and postponeme­nts are probably in order. Your rival will be quick to pounce on your mistakes. Take extreme care with decisions and choices. (PHONE 083 9140 509) (sms SAG to 34703)


Dec 22 —J an 21

This is when something from your past needs to be finally sorted out. It could be an issue you had all but forgotten about that is brought to your attention. It might prove irksome but you can resolve the problem for once and all time. (PHONE 083 9140 510) (sms CAP to 34703)


Jan 2 1—Feb 20

You are now apt to muddle through, or simply to leave things in the lap of the gods, but either attitude is only likely to result in wasted energy. In order to realise your aspiration­s, the more you streamline your planning the better. (PHONE 083 9140 511) (sms AQU to 34703)


Feb 20 —Mar 21

Your powerful desire to impose your authority on a certain person or situation could evoke a rather negative reaction. Heavy-handed tactics will do more harm than good. You are certain to experience antagonism from a rebellious person. (PHONE 083 9140 512) (sms PIS to 34703)

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