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Deal with corruption, Cyril

We are in a very difficult period in the political history of SA. President Cyril Ramaphosa must apply his mind without being negatively influenced by those around him. For instance, he must not turn his back on the five nations that have written a letter to urge him to take action in regards to the rampant corruption that’s being unveiled in different commission­s in our country today. The president must deal with this issue diplomatic­ally and wisely. – Chopo

Government of funerals, litter

The ANC government has failed to build new towns and industrial areas. Instead, they succeeded in looting state funds, organising expensive funerals, dividing South Africans and neglecting potholes and litter. – Mokolobets­i

Tshilidzin­i needs revamp

The department of health must please inspect the buildings and facilities at Tshilidzin­i Hospital in Vhembe district, Limpopo. Everything is too old. We need new buildings and facilities for Tshilidzin­i. – Calvin, Vhembe

ANC doesn’t listen to anyone

I see the ANC does not take well the warning from the western countries about charging the state captures and looters. If they do not listen to us the citizens how will they listen to foreign nations? – Anonymous

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