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Government out to fire workers

The allegation­s that the government wanted to dismiss 30,000 civil servants were earlier denied by the ruling party. Tito Mboweni confirmed this in his budget speech. NUM should never trust the ANC. – Anonymous

Mabe should face court of law

A shadow of its former self, how can a party as old as the ANC lead SA while it lacks honesty? The party failed Pule Mabe’s alleged sexual harassment victim. It is time to drag Mabe and his party to court. – Shaluza, Mabeskraal

Retire ANC oldies in parly

Early retirement of 30,000 civil servants to cut the wage bill by government should start with those old ANC bench warmers in parliament. This will also reduce housing and travelling costs to taxpayers. – Oriah Choshane

Talk of birds of a feather

Whenever we see pictures of expresiden­t Jacob Zuma and people who captured him, such as the Guptas and Gavin Watson, his smile is always as wide as the Blyde River Canyon. He looks a very happy man. – Anonymous

DA is just wasting money

DA billboards that are hellbent on pointing fingers at the ANC are just a mockery. They show that the party has money to splash out. This money could have been used to uplift the lives of poor black people. – Mr B, Diepkloof

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