
‘ANC members who backed Morocco to face music’

Magashule reads party reps riot act

- By Zingisa Mvumvu – TimesLIVE

ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule has come out guns blazing against mayors who disobeyed his instructio­n to reject Morocco’s candidacy for chair of the Congress of the United Cities and Local Government (UCLG).

The congress was held in

Durban last week.

According to Magashule‚ ANC members who attended the meeting ignored his order – and they should now be discipline­d. In a strongly-worded statement‚ Magashule accuses “individual members” of the ANC who took part in the UCLG congress of “insubordin­ation”.

Not only did they snub him‚ Magashule continued‚ but supporting Morocco was a betrayal of ANC conference resolution­s. He said the ANC has long resolved to shun Morocco “for its illegal occupation of Western Sahara”.

Magashule said opinions of individual­s on the issue of Morocco within the ANC would not be tolerated when there was an official party line resolved upon by the national conference – the highest decision-making body in the party.

“The conduct of some ANC representa­tives at the sixth Congress of UCLG and World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders that was held in Durban...

may not be ignored and must be the subject of serious reprimand and disciplina­ry sanction‚” fumed Magashule.

“The long-standing principled position of the ANC with regards to Morocco and its illegal occupation of the Western Sahara‚ and the brutal repression of the Saharawi people‚ as well as the ANC’s support for the Polisario Front‚ is well establishe­d.

“In an act of flagrant indiscipli­ne and insubordin­ation‚ some members of the ANC at the said UCLG conference‚ supported the candidatur­e of Morocco to be elected as chair of the UCLG.” He distanced the ANC from the “ill-discipline­d actions” of some its members at the conference.

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