
Your Stars

What kind of day will tomorrow be? To find out what the stars say, read the forecast given for your birth sign



March 2 1—Ap ril 21

Prepare yourself, because you might be embroiled in arguments about shared property and inheritanc­es for the rest of the year. This might clear up old matters.


April 2 1—M ay 21

Practice patience and diplomacy with partners and close friends for the rest of the year. You can do this because you are sensible.


May 2 1 — Ju ne 22

You will be productive for the rest of the year because fiery Mars will make you want to work hard. Don't be too bossy with others, because you will be delegating! Oh yeah.


June 22 — July 23

You have lots of energy to play and pursue artistic projects, sports and playful times with children for the rest of the year! (You also might have some tension with your kids.)


July 23 — Aug 24

Your home scene will be interrupte­d with increased activity, visiting guests or renovation­s for the rest of the year. Cope as best you can.


Aug 2 4—S ep 23

You will be forceful in all your communicat­ions with others for the rest of the year. In addition, you will be busy with errands, small trips and mucho business.


Sep 23 — Oct 23

Everything related to cash flow and earnings will be hyped from now until the end of the year. This means you will work hard to earn money -- and spend it!


Oct 2 3 —N ov 23

Fiery Mars will be in your sign for the rest of the year giving you tons of energy! Make a point of getting more physical exercise to burn off pent-up steam.

Sagittariu­s Nov 2 3 —D ec 22

There will be a lot of activity taking place behind the scenes in your world. In fact, this phenomenon will occur for the rest of the year. Only you will know.


Dec 22 —J an 21

You will be strong and aggressive when dealing with groups, clubs and organizati­ons, as well as friends, for the next few months. You might be competitiv­e with teams.


Jan 2 1—F eb 20

Your ambition will be aroused for the rest of the year, which is why you will do everything within your power to achieve your goals. You have an agenda!


Feb 20 —M ar 21

Your desire to travel will be very strong from now and throughout the rest of the year. You want to see new places, meet new faces and explore the world!

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